'Blue Helmet Visibility, India In Lead Reassures South Sudanese That World Hasn't Forgotten Them'

'Blue Helmet Visibility, India In Lead Reassures South Sudanese That World Hasn't Forgotten Them'

Indian peacekeepers are in areas no other country’s battalions have been deployed in South Sudan. INDBATT I (11 Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry) has personnel in Kodok, the first United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) presence on the west of the Nile. INDBATT II (7 Garhwal Rifles) men are in Akobo, the only UNMISS deployment in an armed opposition dominated area. SNI Associate Editor Amitabh P Revi and Video Journalist Prateek Suri spoke to Brigadier Nitin Khare, Sector Commander South, UNMISS, on how important the blue helmets’ presence is in keeping a fragile peace deal in play.
Each troop contributing country has nominated its senior most uniformed officer in UNMISS as a ‘National Senior’. Brigadier Nitin Khare, India’s National Senior in South Sudan, also outlines what are the key factors for the success of the fourth peace deal since 2014.
#India #Southsudan #Sniwire


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