Catchup #7: Insightful Twitter Threads (Why India, Premji, Slave Jail, Intel-Tech, Bluetooth)
1. Why India?
Throughout history, India's significance and the very character has been defined by two things: the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean.
Why was that so important?
Because those two things make India a fluke of nature.
A fluke that creates one of the world's most fertile land in the world. To understand this, read this extremely informative thread.
India just passed China as the most populous country in the world. Why?
— Tomas Pueyo (@tomaspueyo) February 7, 2023
Because of the biggest accident in history
Look at where people live in India. What's that band up north?
2. Azim Premji and his anti-India University
The details of how Indian billionaires like Premji's money funds some of the most anti-India and anti-Hindu publications and universities has been brought out really well by Rajiv Malhotra ji in his book "Snakes in the Ganga".
This thread from Vijay Patel discusses the hires and their work at Azim Premji University. A must read!
Important Thread
— Vijay Patel🇮🇳 (@vijaygajera) February 7, 2023
1. Two days ago Kashmir University and Shrinagar municipality corporation has signed MOU with Azim Premji University to improve the quality of education in Shrinagar Schools!
This is going to be very dangerous! Why? Let me show you.
3. Slave jail to an iconic Black University
Slaves jails were places to confine and torture black men, women and kids. One woman Mary Ann Lumpkin, was the African-American widow of a white owner. She inherited a slave jail known for long as Lumpkin's Jail.
And there she opened a school. It became Richmond Theological Institute (formerly Colver) It later combined with Wayland Seminary of Washington in 1899 to form Virginia Union University at Richmond. It is still there.
A formerly enslaved woman, Mary Lumpkin, liberated a slave jail known as ‘The Devil’s Half Acre’ and turned it into an HBCU. #BlackHistoryMonth
— AFRICAN & BLACK HISTORY (@AfricanArchives) February 7, 2023
4. How Intelligence and Social Media firms connived
Bill Evanina, Director of National Counterintelligence and Security Center (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) shares how the US Intelligence community combined with the social media and tech firms to "take stuff down." The combination of government, intelligence and tech firms effectively created a fascist and imperial state.
“What we accomplished the past 2 years…as an integrated, holistic Government effort in PARTNERSHIP with Social Media & Tech Firms is unprecedented”
Worth going through thread.
1. #DisinfoGate- VIDEO: Government official admits that Intel Community “partnered” w/ Social Media & worked together in “TAKING STUFF DOWN”
— Name Redacted (@NameRedacted247) February 6, 2023
Bill Evanina is the first official to admit this publicly
The effort to ‘combat Disinfo,’ ahead of 2020 election, was as large as 9/11
5. Bluetooth and the Vikings
Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson (or Harald Blåtand Gormsen) was a king of Denmark and Norway. He pushed Christianity in Denmark and consolidated his rule over most of Jutland and Zealand. In 1997, Bluetooth wireless specification design was named after him. Why? Because just like he united the tribes of Denmark into a single kingdom, Bluetooth technology will unite devices. Go figure!
Bluetooth is named after a one thousand year old Danish king with rotten teeth, and its logo is based on the Viking runes for his initials.
— The Cultural Tutor (@culturaltutor) February 8, 2023
But that's all an accident - it was originally supposed to be called Personal Area Networking...
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