Delhi Police Shares Investigation Results on JNU – Time to think

Delhi Police Shares Investigation Results on JNU – Time to think

Delhi Police has released the names of 9 students of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) who were involved in violence.  They are:

  1. Chunchun Kumar
  2. Pankaj Mishra
  3. Aishe Ghosh
  4. Vaskar Vijay
  5. Sucheta Talukdar
  6. Priya Ranjan
  7. Dolan Samanta
  8. Yogendra Bhardwaj
  9. Vikas Patel

Misinformation and targeted violence – confirms Delhi Police

Today Delhi Police PR‌Officer, MS Randhawa said that the investigation into the violence was being done by the Crime Branch of Delhi Police.  He also said that a lot of misinformation related to the whole situation and these cases was being circulated.

Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor, Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar confirmed that the situation in the University is now normal and they will conduct the academic activities.  He said this after meeting with the Secretary of the Ministry of Human resource development (MHRD) Amit Khare.

Delhi Police also confirmed that the majority of the students wanted to register for the winter semester but the following JNU students unions were against it:

  1. Students Front of India
  2. All India Students Federation
  3. All India Students Association
  4. Democratic Students Federation

This was asserted by the DCP, Crime, Dr. Joy Tirkey.

The unrest, as stated by the Delhi Police DCP Crime, started on Jan 3, when the four student groups mentioned above tampered with the server and halter the registrations.

On January 5, 2020, at 3.30 pm, members of the four groups – SFI, AISF, SIDA, and DSF attacked students at the Periyar hostel.  The JNUSU‌ President Aishe Ghosh was herself there and it was all caught on camera, confirmed Delhi Police.

Delhi Police also said something interesting – that the Leftist armed groups had targeted specific rooms in the Periyar hostel.

Now watch this video of a student from JNU and it completely aligns with the assertions made by the Delhi Police after the investigations.

Meanwhile, the leftist organizations have gone on to spread lies and falsehoods, and one after another the Bollywood gang has backed them.

When celebrities become cheerleaders for anti-social goons!

Including Deepika Padukone, who found it to be a good promotional stage for her movie.  If she, and other Bollywood “activists” had any sense, they would have at the very least, waited for the Delhi Police investigations to be over.

This clearly shows how much trust these so-called “activist actors” have in the due process of law.  They want to not just pre-empt proper investigation but create obstructions by making heroes out of criminals, which is what Deepika Padukone did with Aishe Ghosh.  She made her look like some kind of deity when in reality she was nothing more than the coordinator of the whole carnage!

Using crisis and violent situations as promotional stages may be an innovative strategy for a PR firm, but it is disastrous for the society and the country!  These groups, which the actors and the activists are backing have been found to be disrupting the registration process for the next semester.  They were making sure that JNU’s students are not allowed to register.  And, for that they went to the extent of vandalizing and breaking up the servers and disrupting the networks.

To reward and back such anti-social, anti-education, and anti-student goons who are nothing more than political anarchists, by these Bollywood gangs is to slap on the face of the entire society!

We cannot function if a simple thing as admission into schools and colleges are disrupted and stopped by political goons, and celebrities become cheerleaders of those actions!

What kind of society and heroes we want and need is upto us.