The elite are working hard to create an army of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) - like those in video games. Exercise of agency can move us from beings cogs to game changers. And that is at the root of our civilization as we know it.
USAID is being dismantled. Contrary to what the moral busybodies declare, the aid infrastructure of the West has actively subverted other societies. Its only when it turned inwards with the same zeal that it is now being dismantled - brick by brick.
China's AI Open Source model - DeepSeek R1 has shaken the tech and geopolitical world. It has ramifications in many areas. We have analyzed every aspect of its impact.
Drishtikone Newsletter #344: Nupur Sharma and the Geopolitical Storm
Nupur Sharma's case opened up many cans of worms on the geopolitical front. US, Qatar, Saudis/UAE, Russia and the West have a lot going. Let us look at the complete picture.
“The great delusion of modernity, is that the laws of nature explain the universe for us. The laws of nature describe the universe, they describe the regularities. But they explain nothing." ― Ludwig Wittgenstein
Being tolerant of intolerance is also a form of violence. Against your own self.
One needs to have a clear vision of the way forward when it comes to tectonic shifts within society and around the globe.
Global battles are not fought in some esoteric international arena but in local neighborhoods. Man to man, one group to another. Fissures are identified, exploited and accentuated.
Used to make a statement often, but more importantly to twist the governments into choosing between two alternatives:
What is good for it internally Vs What is good for it globally.
If what is good for the country geopolitically - which has longer and wider ramifications - has to win, then the government needs to take some temporary and tactical sacrifices and retreat.
Nupur Sharma's case was one such scenario. Honestly, it could have been any case. This seemed most promising for those who want to control the next century.
When the question was World Domination, what will a little Nupur Sharma be worth?
A remark in a debate and geopolitical storm
Nupur Sharma's case, wherein a TV debate she debated fiercely against the insults to the Hindu Gods from an adversary and discussed what is often shared about Islamic Prophet and it snowballed into a controversy that has had many ramifications.
Riots have started. The Islamic nations brought pressure on the Indian government to take action and also show their displeasure.
There are many aspects to this issue and episode.
Geopolitical shenanigans
Nupur Sharma's case was picked up most stringently by Qatar, then joined by Kuwait and then Oman.
In a tweet, Qatar’s Assistant Foreign Minister Lolwah al-Khater said: “The Islamophobic discourse has reached dangerous levels in a country long known for its diversity and coexistence. Unless officially and systemically confronted, the systemic hate speech targeting Islam in India will be considered a deliberate insult against two billion Muslims.” Kuwait warned that if the comments against Prophet Muhammad go unpunished, India would see “an increase of extremism and hatred”. The grand mufti of the sultanate of Oman described the “obscene rudeness” of Modi’s party towards Islam as a form of “war”. And Saudi Arabia said the comments were “insulting” and called for “respect for beliefs and religions” as it and Iran lodged complaints with India. (Source: Al Jazeera)
Saudis did register their protest but were reserved in doing so.
#Statement | The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its condemnation and denunciation of the statements made by the spokeswoman of the #Indian Bharatiya Janata Party (#BJP), insulting the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
Saudi Arabia has welcomed the BJP decision to suspend its spokesperson following her remarks about Prophet Muhammad. The country had slammed Nupur Sharma’s statement on Sunday. Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry, led by Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan Al-Saud, reiterated the nation’s position calling for religious and belief freedom. The ministry emphasised its opposition to any violation of Islamic symbols as well as any violation of the symbols and important figures of any religion. (Source: News18)
It may be of interest to see how the Saudi reaction post-Nupur Sharma case was played up in the left-liberal press, both in the US and India. It almost seemed as if this was their foremost desire.
Why the lead by the Qataris and the response from the Saudis and then the welcoming of BJP action? Because of the aspirations of Qatar to lead the Islamic world, a battle that Saudis do not want to lose on the one hand and the desire to deepen trade ties with India on the other by both the groups, which Saudis and the UAE are clearly winning.
One needs to also see that despite the Nupur Sharma row, ties with the Saudis and the UAE are expanding.
In an article in the Times of India, Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan Al-Saud shared his views in May 2022.
India has strengthened its ties with Saudi Arabia in a strong way in the last few years. Just this year, the trade between the two countries increase by close to 100%!
In June's first week, the Modi cabinet approved a pact on industrial cooperation with UAE.
India-UAE pact on industrial cooperation receives Cabinet's approval - Business Standard
The Arab states - specifically the Saudis and the UAE are playing a different tune while they play the whole issue down.
Here is the latest from Kuwait.
Asian Muslim expats including Indians who staged an agitation against Nupur Sharma in Kuwait City will be arrested and deported to their home countries, Kuwaiti media has reported. (Source)
The authorities are identifying them and will cancel their visas and deport the anti-Nupur Sharma protesters!
— ARAB TIMES - KUWAIT (@arabtimeskuwait) June 11, 2022
Side note: Sadhguru and his visits to Saudi and UAE
As a side note, it is not without coincidence that when Sadhguru went on his journey to Save Soil, on a 100 days of solo biking, traversing 27 nations covering a distance of over 30,000-km in the journey that he began in the United Kingdom and covered Europe and the Middle East to arrive on June 5th in New Delhi to share the stage with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he went through UAE and Saudi Arabia where he was received very warmly by the government ministers.
Meanwhile, the US relationship with Saudis and the UAE, under Joe Biden, has nosedived. Primarily because Biden had campaigned on treating Saudi Arabia like a pariah (Source: NYT) because of the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
However, he wanted to visit Saudi Arabia after the Ukraine war had made Russia in to an enemy of the US and the West as well. In March news came out that Biden was planning to visit the Saudis (Source: Washington Times) But it came out in the first week of June that the West Asia tour by Biden had been "put on hold".
Interestingly, instead of finding a way out of the jam that he had put himself, his administration, and America as a whole in by dissing the Saudis during his campaign, Biden doubled down on his so-called Human Rights concerns.
“I have no direct plans at the moment,” to visit Saudi Arabia, Biden said Friday in Delaware. “There is a possibility that I would be going to meet with both the Israelis and some Arab countries at the time, including, I expect, would be -- Saudi Arabia would be included in that if I did go.” Biden said he’s been working on bringing more peace to the region, while adding, “I’m not going to change my view on human rights.” Asked if he would be open to meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, he replied: “We’re getting way ahead of ourselves here.” (Source: Bloomberg)
What he sowed during his campaign - a caricatured lens to play geopolitics from - is now coming to haunt him as foe and friends alike, are pushing him to align by his own "principles,"
Biden criticized over report of planned Saudi trip to discuss global oil supply - The Guardian
But this was before he did have plans.
Biden administration officials are in talks with the Saudis about arranging a potential in-person meeting while the President is overseas next month, current and former US officials said. Saudi Arabia currently holds the presidency of the Gulf Cooperation Council, so any engagement between Biden and bin Salman, known as MBS, would likely coincide with a meeting of the GCC in Riyadh, the sources noted. (Source: CNN)
Which were rebuffed by the Saudis.
Biden rebuffed as US relations with Saudi Arabia and UAE hit new low - The Guardian
The Saudis are not even willing to take his calls.
As per some reports, the officials may be talking behind the scenes though as the Saudis drive a hard bargain.
The Qatari relationship with India while it has deep ties to the Islamist and terrorist groups working in India also cannot be ignored. Listen to Abhinav Pandya, founder of Usanas think-tank who bares the whole network and nexus that Qatar and Turkey are using around the world.
So all the riots that are being engineered in India have a sponsor and a backing. It may very well be the nexus of Qatar-led terror and radical Islamist groups. Maybe even backed by the Biden administration.
You see, it is not without reason that the Biden administration and the media aligned with it in the US and India have been trying to portray the Modi administration as an "authoritarian regime" since the beginning.
And now comes the Russia-Ukraine war, where the US and West are on one side and Russia on the other. The high-sounding moral ideas notwithstanding, the fact is that this war, like the Vietnam, Afghan, and Iraq wars, is being sold on ideological frameworks that back the larger ambitions of the American establishment.
"Fuck the EU" and the world
That is why when the highly controversial and regime-change enthusiast Victoria Nuland landed in Delhi, it was noticed by many.
Great to be in 🇮🇳New Delhi today to engage with the next generation of Indian thought leaders. We discussed continued #USIndia collaboration and India’s vital leadership role in the world.
— Under Secretary Victoria Nuland (@UnderSecStateP) March 21, 2022
Because Nuland is best known for orchestrating regime change in Ukraine to control the government there. The infamous "Fuck the EU" tape bared it all.
And, in India, she may have been trying to orchestrate something similar.
2/3 This is the embarrassing LEAKED TAPES in which Ms Nuland is heard talking to US ambassador to Ukraine about who all should be part of the next Ukrainian govt….after usurping the democratically elected govt.
Nuland was also one of the officials in the State Department when Modi did not get a US visa.
The letters from New Delhi were sent out even as senior State Department Officials including erstwhile Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland and now-retiring Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Robert Blake, were quoted saying that Mr. Modi was “welcome to apply” again for a visa and that the review of that application would be “grounded in U.S. law.” (Source: The Hindu)
So what's the link between the US and the Qatar/Turkey nexus?
Muslim Brotherhood - the missing link in the Middle East vs the US
Central to the geopolitical struggle is how Qatar and Turkey align and promote the Muslim Brotherhood, while the Saudis, UAE, and Egypt see that group as an existential threat.
An organization that the Obama administration (where Biden was the VP) courted to orchestrate the Arab Spring.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden served as Barack Obama’s vice president for eight years, so it is safe to assume that a Biden presidency promises a return to the Obama era, following the same path and repeating the same political, economic and health miscalculations and blunders. Throughout his election campaign and rallies, we see Biden emphasizing the same priorities that the Obama administration concentrated on at the time. This brings to mind the US’s alliance with Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood during the arduous times of the so-called Arab Spring, which only led to chaos and failure. We can also recall the way the US intervened in the region by relying on the Qatari Al-Jazeera channel with its Arabic and English teams as a media arm for this purpose, thus instigating chaos and political and economic devastation in Arab countries. The region suffered losses amounting to nearly $830 billion. Now we all know that the Arab Spring was nothing more than a bait that Arabs swallowed unquestioningly; it was not a typical historical development, or a social trend that spread due to difficult economic or political circumstances. (Source: A Biden presidency promises a return to the Obama-era Muslim Brotherhood alliance -Al-Arabiya)
A charge - of how the US under Obama and his VP backed Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood - by the Arabs was also seconded by US Senator Ted Cruz.
In December 2015, Obama had invited Imam Mohamed Magid of the prominent Northern Virginia mosque, the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, or ADAMS; Dalia Mogahed, a scholar with the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding; Khaled Latif, chaplain at New York University; and Hoda Hawa, director of policy at the Muslim Public Affairs Council (Source: Washington Post).
They represent groups that are either part of or have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (Source).
Muslim Brotherhood and its network have been active in North America deeply.
Not only have the Obama and Biden administrations been undermining the US interests in Saudi Arabia/UAE/Egypt but also undermining the US national security. Of course, their operatives - with their regime-change zeal - are on a dangerous path ahead.
US, Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood, Russia, and India - Bottomline
Before one jumps to the Biden administration's characterization of this whole conflict, one must understand the fundamental reason why the US and the West are fighting this battle with Russia.
The Ukraine war is about the ARCTIC CIRCLE and its control with Russia that the US and West want. The next century will be won by the country that controls this area. From minerals, oil and gas standpoint and also supply-chain/logistics and trade routes stand-point!
Indian rebuff to Biden
Meanwhile, India is steadfast in its independent approach to the Ukraine conflict.
Cornering Modi is critical for the US and its allies. So there are attempts to identify and accentuate fault-lines within the country. One of them is the religious issue.
What better way to use it than to get the Muslim Brotherhood alliance in motion?
Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood Alliance
Biden administration and its loyalists from the Obama era have used their close ties to the Islamists to not just undermine the conservatives within the US but also regimes globally. Those are the allies - specifically Qatar and Turkey that are being used.
The three warfares
The Political Work Regulations of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in China came out with three tactics called 三种战法, - Sān zhǒng zhàn fǎ
This became the official political and information pre-kinetic warfare strategy. The aim is to use three areas to fight pre and non-kinetic wars.
While that may be the Chinese strategy as they have articulated, propaganda tools in non-kinetic wars where gray zones are exploited have the same components.
That is why the media, the Islamist groups, and the activists have been pressed in support of the campaign against Nupur Sharma.
The idea is clear - bring Modi to his knees by breaking the nation or bringing it to a brink so a pliable leader could be used to twist arms elsewhere.
Using the Islamic blasphemy argument is an easy way to hit at the India-Saudi/UAE relationship and get that going while breaking the country apart.
About Nupur Sharma's remarks
As for the veracity or otherwise of Nupur Sharma's remarks, this one compilation - left a note from the Answering Islam website and on the right, the verses from Islamic sources say it all. One does not need any lengthy explanations and discussions.
Quite simply, the whole episode was never about the remarks but something else.
Video Corner: Crippled by knowledge
Does knowledge cripple one's freedom to inquire? What a fascinating dialog between a deeply religious, and I would say fanatic and myopic Buddhist scholar for he has approached Buddha as a theologian and not a spiritual seeker. He meets Jiddu Krishnamurti who is a razor-sharp mind. How inadequate and confused he comes out.
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When you see Russia get into existential war over Ukraine, or Israel bomb Syria or India battle with Pakistan or Bangladesh, it is not because of some whim. It has a historical and geographical context. That is critical to understand for analyzing geopolitics.
While game-playing the future, one of the main flashpoints we came across, where the global conflict can start, was the Arctic. We look at it in complete detail.
North Korea launched its most advanced monster missile yet. China is readying its 'mysterious' amphibious ship. Russia is advancing in Ukraine while losing men. America goes to poll and civil uncertainty. Global economy is on the brink. What is coming? Let's game plan it.