Ezebee: A Zero Cost Global marketplace with Local Access and Social Networking

If you are on the lookout for starting your own shop in a community that lets you interact with many like minded people around, then Community based online marketplace ezebee is the place to be.  What is ezebee?  It is Ebay, Craigslist, and Facebook rolled into one.  This innovative marketplace allows you to create a free online shop, a facebook shop and also take something you don’t want to use anymore and sell it online.  In short, wherever you are in your entrepreneurial journey – ezebee has something for you to see you become the entrepreneur you want to be.  Any which way, you can make money.

If you are a small business with a one-person operation, and want to test waters online in the security of a ready community, then ezebee is the place for you.  When you sign up – which is free and easy (can use your Twitter or Facebook log in) – you can go to Marketplace and start the process to set up your shop.  The site offers a shop, blog, events and a gallery for free.

Free Online Shops

Say Good-bye to Ecommerce Setup Costs!

If you have to start your own online shop – you not only need to get the merchant banking account but also a hosting platform.  All that costs thousands of dollars if you aren’t a techie.  Even when you are a techie, it takes a lot of effort to get it started.  Ezebee makes it easy by cutting out the use of currency.  This interesting concept started by  Ossian Vogal and Frank de Vries was to eliminate the use of credit cards or cash and instead use EZB swap points (where one EZB point = One US Dollar).  The way they explain the concept is pretty simple and very powerful.

Every time a product is ordered online or paid for with a credit card, a bank (or payment provider) makes money. Often there are hidden fees or added charges within the purchase, and sometimes both! Billions of dollars are spent every day for nothing more than a computer changing a number.

By using EZB points, you create an online commerce platform that has its own world.  Here entrepreneurs can sell anywhere online.

Local City Shops

The best thing about ezebee is that by integrating the shops with community, it has made the shops have a local connection as well.  So if you are from say, New Delhi, then you can simply connect with one of the Delhi showrooms and get stuff without the shipping costs.  For sellers as well, this is like having an online showroom – sans the high real estate cost – and selling to local customers as well.  As a seller, it would be very useful to connect with people from your city.  So, for a Delhi entrepreneur, it would make a lot of sense to connect and promote the shop to the Delhi-ites.

Unlimited Global Options

With ezebee, you can create your site for any currency, any language and any country.  That is the power of creating something for local and global audience in one go – without the headache of converting currencies.

Here is a video on ezebee that will help you understand more about this site.

Create your free online shop on ezebee today!

Featured Image: Ezebee