An election fought and won on the idea of defeating the elitist Deep State and the hero-worship of the killer of UnitedHealthcare CEO show a deep and disturbing trend. The chasm is easy to witness everywhere.
Everyone has predictions for 2025. Astrologers are sharing what is in store for us. But will we be defined by the stars or can we raise our consciousness as humanity? Let us shape ourselves and this year in our own way!
I point out that many Hindu activists are being killed and nothing has been done to prevent this. The widespread Hinduphobia has made Hindus an easy target. We discuss the need for global support from our embassies and lobbying by civic groups.
Watch previous episodes with Mohan Bhagwat!
Demystifying the RSS
Intellectuals and RSS
Women and RSS
Muslims and RSS
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हिंदू असुरक्षित / मोहन भागवत
मैं इंगित करता हूँ कि कई हिंदू कार्यकर्ता मारे जा रहे हैं और इसे रोकने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं किया गया है | व्यापक हिन्दूभीति (हिंदूपोबिया) ने हिंदुओं को एक सरल लक्ष्य बना दिया है | हम अपने दूतावासों से वैश्विक समर्थन और नागरिक समूहों द्वारा अपने पक्ष में जनमत तैयार करने की आवश्यकता पर चर्चा करते हैं |