The elite are working hard to create an army of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) - like those in video games. Exercise of agency can move us from beings cogs to game changers. And that is at the root of our civilization as we know it.
USAID is being dismantled. Contrary to what the moral busybodies declare, the aid infrastructure of the West has actively subverted other societies. Its only when it turned inwards with the same zeal that it is now being dismantled - brick by brick.
China's AI Open Source model - DeepSeek R1 has shaken the tech and geopolitical world. It has ramifications in many areas. We have analyzed every aspect of its impact.
(The Rape of Proserpina (goddess of fertility, agriculture - social good/prosperity) is a work Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, executed between 1621 and 1622. It depicts the abduction of Proserpina, who is seized and taken to the underworld by the god Pluto.)
“Read from a distant star, the majuscule script of our earthly existence would perhaps lead to the conclusion that the earth was the distinctively ascetic planet, a nook of disgruntled, arrogant creatures filled with a profound disgust with themselves, at the earth, at all life, who inflict as much pain on themselves as they possibly can out of pleasure in inflicting pain which is probably their only pleasure.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals / Ecce Homo
साफा-इ-हस्ती कर रहा हूँ एक बड़ी उम्मीद पर, के बेनिशाँ हो लूँ तो कुछ नमो-निशाँ पैदा करूँ (I am dissolving my self in a great hope. That I be dissolve so a new beginning may happen)
India and its popular culture as we know it has become our undoing. We and our desires have become our worst enemies. In the photo shared today, Berini visualized a scene with Pluto, the god of the underworld, abducting and raping the goddess of prosperity, Proserpina.
That is precisely what we are seeing today in India.
The prosperity has been abducted, controlled, and is being raped by the underworld forces. Those that are outside. And those that they have coopted within the country because either they had to “fit in” to be successful, or they had been addicted to a point that they couldn’t escape the curse.
One did.
The other tried but was cornered and killed.
The one who escaped the encirclement (Kangana) is now fighting back. The one who was betrayed (Vivek) is taking them apart as well.
It is for us to decide what we want for ourselves. What is happening and the place and the industry it is all happening in, may not be anywhere close to us. But the impact of this encirclement by the forces will be.
And this attack is not against just an establishment or Sushant or Narendra Modi.
They are in the line of fire because they are the impediments to the objectives of those who are behind this attack. They are merely collateral damage.
The real target is the Indian civilization.
It is a civilizational fight.
Some countries and societies, as we will analyze today, have lost the battle and some maybe fighting their last fight.
2014 and Modi was a serendipitous occurrence. Whether the masses will realize the worth of the lives of their coming generations is for them to evaluate. But any ambivalence will be an existential mistake.
The purge has started
Today two major programs happened on the same day in India.
One by VRA TV, where Vivek Agnihotri shared stuff about Bollywood where he explored how Bollywood is working in tandem with the politicians, the underworld, and the outside agencies to undermine India, Hindus, and our democratic institutions.
Second by Republic TV, where Kangana Ranaut shared insights from her personal life and except for sharing the names, she shared everything about the Bollywood lifestyle and the crimes that happen in that world.
While the former was analytical, the latter was anecdotal. But both the programs were badly needed exposé that will shake the Indian society in many ways. If you have not watched any of them, then please do. Carefully and from start to finish.
Both of these two people are experienced in this industry and are absolutely fearless in how they are working to battle the situation.
Here is the one with Kangana.
A few things are very clear from their discussions:
The inner core of Bollywood is linked together via the crimes and their secrets. Their biggest game in town? Drugs.
They get their drugs from various channels which are powered by the drug mafia. Mafia, that is linked strongly with Pakistan’s ISI.
The Mafia also provides funding. This funding has now started deciding which scripts will run, what will be the narratives in the movies and who will act.
The politicians work with Bollywood to help and provide them security along with the state machinery. In return, they get their narratives and campaign promoted.
Urban Naxals and proxies from China are working along with the Pakistani network in India to promote a leftist/Islamist agenda in the movies and by the Bollywood celebrities.
The reactions or rather lack of the reactions at the time of Ram Janmabhoomi Bhoomi Pujan and Sadhu killings should show who all are controlled by the Pakistani/Chinese forces backed by the drug mafia. Everyone! (except just a handful) Just as Kangana said about the top heroes who are into drugs. She said “everyone” after qualifying that some may have stopped for health purposes (the eternal superstar who is now a grand-dad?)
The Pakistani forces work in many ways. They not just fund movies and dictate their narratives, scripts, the genre of songs, and casting; but they also control the promotional tours business. Just a few weeks back, Rehan Siddiqui of Houston was blacklisted. (Source) He was a small-time radio channel host who started around the 1997-98 time-period. He suddenly increased his on-air presence and started doing radio 7 days a week and then had his own channel instead of renting time on another one. I had often wondered if his rise was funded by the ISI? He started promoting Bollywood shows as well and suddenly became one of the biggest promoters in the US.
A few months back a video of the A-list actors in a party at Karan Johar’s house became popular, where it was said they were stoned. And as anyone can see - they were.
This whole battle between Kangana/Arnab/Vivek on the one side and Bollywood biggies/Opposition/Pakistan/Underworld/media on the other is not just an exposé stuff anymore. It is a battle for the very being of India itself. The powers which care for the country and the civilization have decided to take on the entire swamp and flush it out. It is purge-time!
These videos will create chaos in the groups that have targeted India, including the Bollywood biggies. And in that chaos, they will start “moving”, just like the PR machinery got active for Rhea. She will be dumped in the coming days as the sacrifice to save the bigger guns. The battle is for them. And the campaign has started to pull the thread from this carefully woven cloth of crime and treason out. One weave at a time.
Hejdå Sverige (Goodbye Sweden)
This scene is not from Shaheen Bagh related riots. It is from the Swedish city, Malmo.
Three nut jobs in a country where extreme freedom of speech and expression has been the norm for many years now, burn a religious book that calls those who burned the book “kafirs” and worthy of many punishments. The believers then go around burning the whole city up and hitting at the police, many of whom are injured.
So what do you think the police did?
It detained those who hit their officers and burned the city and arrested those who - as per norms of that society - express themselves, albeit in an outrageous way.
Swedish police say far-right activists have burned a Quran in the southern city of Malmo, sparking riots and unrest after more than 300 people gathered to protest. Rioters set fires and threw objects at police and rescue services Friday night, slightly injuring several police officers and leading to the detention of about 15 people. The violence followed the burning Friday afternoon of a Quran near a predominantly migrant neighborhood carried out by far-right activists that was filmed and posted online, according to the TT news agency. Later, three people were arrested on suspicion of inciting hatred against an ethnic group after kicking the Muslim holy book. (Source)
And, this place has not suddenly become a problem. It is now becoming an embarrassment of sorts. In fact, being a woman in Stockholm may actually be a major challenge these days.
Many attacks have been reported in Swedish youth festivals by “migrants”, where many women were groped, assaulted and raped. 32 attacks were reported in the three-day festival in the city of Karlstad, five rape cases in Norrkoping, and over a dozen sexual assaults in the Bravalla Festival. This was in 2016. (Source)
Here are some of the attacks in recent times by “migrants” on women in Sweden. Notice the vile nature of the attacks and the arrogance of the attacker.
A migrant convicted for raping a child more than 100 times but his deportation overruled by a Swedish court. (Source)
A woman was gang-raped and also beaten up by up to twenty perpetrators in a stairwell in Fittja. She was “ kicked, beaten, threatened with a knife and her head was knocked against the floor until she went unconscious.” As she lay there no one helped her - as they exclaimed - “Eeew, you have sperm on your face and on your clothes, don’t involve us.” (Source)
Two underage boys were raped, robbed, and brutally tortured for over 10 hours in a cemetery in the Swedish city of Solna by “migrants”. (Source) The original report from Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet (Source)
A “group of migrants” broke into an uninvited party in a town in Härnösand in eastern Sweden. One of the Sudanese migrants tried to rape a girl while a 19-year-old man tried to intervene. He was stabbed to death! (Source)
A 34-year-old Somali migrant violently raped a dying Swedish woman and continued to rape her dead body even after she was dead. He was not deported. It was reported in a local daily but interestingly the page was deleted. One can find it in (Source) and this is what it says (translated into English via Google translator): “It was early in the morning on September 27 that the police were notified that two men had intercourse with an unconscious woman on the ground in a parking garage under the Sheraton Hotel on Vasagaten in Stockholm. When police arrived at the scene, they found a 34-year-old man from Somalia, who was in the middle of an anal intercourse with the woman. The police checked the woman's pulse and found that she was dead.” Not only was the criminal not deported but even the news has been buried!
The interesting thing is that “migrants” in Sweden are guilty of 82% of the rape cases in the country, yet they represent around 10% of its total population (just under ten million inhabitants) (Source)
The Swedes who are alarmed have tried to dig under the hood of the official data that masquerades the real story.
So here are the stats of the perpetrators. (Stats Source)
Well, non-Swedish could be anyone, right? So, let’s look further.
Even those convicted of rapes who are non-Swedish and purportedly from Nordic countries may also be migrants in that country.
The idea is not to ding any community here. The attempt should be that the criminals who do heinous crimes should be punished by the full force of law.
Is that what is happening in Sweden? The answer is astonishing.
The Swedes who get convicted get sentences of 9-12 years on average.
The non-Swedish “migrants” on the other hand, get no more than a rap on their wrist.
What does that promote? Confidence in the “migrants” that rape of Swedish women (and boys in some cases) is acceptable. You do what you want and all you will get is forced to do “Youth Service!”
Here is the worst part, the Swedish government knows that the “migrants” are cheating the system. The adults are entering the country claiming they are minors.
The Swedish Migration Agency claim there is reason to doubt as many as 70 per cent of asylum applicants who say they are between the ages of 15 and 17. (Source)
Why is this important? Because these “minors” masquerading as adults gain access to child homes and there they rape minor boys.
Swedish dentist Bernt Herlitz revealed to authorities that after checking the molar teeth of hundreds of migrant children that 80% of the so-called children were actually adults. Herlitz was quickly fired and now may lose his home. In June 2016 two migrants were arrested in February for raping a twelve-year-old boy at a housing center for unaccompanied migrants in Sweden. The men said they were 15 but social media shows they were born in 1997 and 1971. (Source)
Sweden has now become known as the rape capital of the world.
In fact, the major auto-maker Volvo is rethinking its status of being in Sweden anymore. In fact, Volvo CEO Hakan Samuelsson has started talking of large rape crimes because of which the company may have to move elsewhere (Source).
Rape happens in every society. It is heinous in its own way as a crime. But more than the act, sometimes the way the crime is committed shows whether it was a “crime of passion/lust” or “crime of hate”.
To rape a woman to death and still keep raping her corpse shows something more than just lust. It shows a level of hate that is very rare.
It would have been good if these crimes were judged based on the crimes and their circumstances. Sans any thought to the religion or ethnicity of the criminal. Unfortunately, Swedish justice system has lost that integrity. As the stats show, it is easier to do a crime and get away easily if you are of a certain group.
Add Grooming to this
Now, add Grooming gangs to this mix and you get a picture that is really scary! Here are some of those cases:
Almost all the criminals in these Grooming gangs (foolishly termed in India as ‘Love Jihad’, when Grooming is a known practice of religious warfare) are either of Pakistani or Afghani descent. Read the detailed expose of this - Love Jihad in India and Europe – Its Historical and Empirical context.
It ain’t crimes anymore, stupid!
What we are looking at aren’t crimes anymore. We are looking at a civilizational war going on. The very fundamentals of the European norms, laws, and rules are being used against the very society they are meant to protect.
They are saving the criminals and abandoning the victims (women and boys). And doing so in a near rabid way. Anyone who even shares facts to the contrary is targeted.
This isn’t invasion anymore. It is collective suicide.
Watch this video to understand it better.
nota bene
Ivory mystery: Hippo ivory was recently seized by Karnataka foresters is probably from the savannahs of Tanzania, and dates back a century. How it reached Shivamogga, and who brought it was a mystery. The puzzle was solved in a week by the police. Read about it (Source)
Tunnel on LoC: The Border Security Force (BSF) has detected a tunnel just beneath the India-Pakistan international border fence in Jammu, officials said on Saturday. It was about 50 meters from the border fence on the Indian side, was located by a BSF patrol on Thursday in the Samba sector of Jammu (Source)
Scandalous and Terror backing Diplomats: Pakistani diplomats face charges of terror charges and scandals across the globe. For example, in one of the latest incidents, Waqar Ahmad, a Pakistan Foreign Service Officer, First Secretary in Kiev, was removed from service on May 7 following charges of sexual harassment by a local Ukrainian employee. (Source)
Chinese missiles: Open source satellite imagery suggests China is developing two new air defense positions that cover sensitive stretches of the disputed border in the Doklam and Sikkim sectors, including an area where Indian and Chinese troops had clashed in May (Source)
India withdraws from War Games: India has withdrawn from a multi-nation army exercise (Exercise Kavkaz-2020) being hosted by Russia in which around 20 countries including China are expected to take part next month at a time when talks with China to reduce border tensions in eastern Ladakh are stuck in a stalemate (Source)
Krishna’s Dwarka
Was Krishna and his Dwarka a myth? Or was it actually there? How was it?
All these questions have been answered by archeologists via painstaking science. Listen to this very detailed informative discussion.
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