Insightful newsletter of Drishtikone: Issue #151 - The Naxal-ISI plot to destabilize India

(Sandstone formations at Antelope Canyon, Arizona \ Photo by Joshua Wilking on Unsplash)

“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” ―Arthur Conan Doyle, The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes

Virus doesn’t attack our cells and bodies in a frontal attack in a one-to-one fight with our cells.  It has a six step process, where it first prepares its host, our body.  Then it incorporates itself as part of our cells and the genetic material and then uses our cells to proliferate its - virus’ - genetic material!  By then we have become the agents of the virus whose only aim and goal is to destroy us - its host.  Viral replication and attack process follows 6 steps

  1. attachment
  2. penetration
  3. uncoating
  4. replication
  5. assembly
  6. release

Here is how these processes work.

  • Attachment and penetration: the virus attaches itself to a host cell and injects its genetic material into it.
  • Uncoating, replication, and assembly: the viral DNA or RNA incorporates itself into the host cell’s genetic material and induces it to replicate the viral genome.
  • Release: the newly-created viruses are released from the host cell, either by causing the cell to break apart, waiting for the cell to die, or by budding off through the cell membrane.

Once the virus cells incorporate within the host cells, the battle for the host cells is almost but lost.

There are no medicines against viral infections.  You only manage the symptoms where you can.  For terminal virus infections like HIV, different strategies have been researched.

The main strategies of fighting the virus have been around creating “entry inhibitors.”  Most of the HIV drug strategies have been around trying to interfere with the binding of HIV virus cells with the CD4 receptor cells.  There has been little headway though.

The virus of anarchy and violence is well targeted and unambiguous.  They have the weapons, are trained and aim to kill.  They are easy to identify and terminate.  It is the other components of this entire virus organism which are most dangerous for any society.

Groups of Urban Naxals and leftist intellectuals like Gautam Navlakhas ensure that when the anti-virals attempt to implement the “entry inhibitors,” these security interventions fail.

They deflect the “entry inhibitor” socio-medical strategies.

By the time, these groups are done with their work, the virus DNA is already part of our social genetic material - programmed to self destruct.

Robotic enslavement is assured until the host remains alive.

NIA nails the naxal plot and attempts of global groups to back terror in India

National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed a charge-sheet in the Bhima-Koregaon case in the NIA Special Court in Mumbai.  It is against 8 persons: Anand Telumbde, Gautam Navlakha, Hany Babu, Sagar Gorkhe, Ramesh Gaichor, Jyoti Jagtap, Stan Swamy, and Milind Teltumbde.

The NIA has laid out the role that each of these Naxals played in the Bhima Koregaon case and in the larger set of crimes.

Now as per the NIA charge-sheet, Gautam Navlakha was in touch with Pakistan’s ISI for terror and espionage activities in India.  He was approached by the ISI when he had gone to the US.

Lawyer-activist Gautam Navlakha, one of the eight accused charge-sheeted in the Koregaon Bhima-Elgar Parishad case, was allegedly approached by senior officers of Pakistan's spy agency ISI during one of his trips to the United States, seeking his help to recruit agents in India  (Source)

The NIA has not provided the details for obvious reasons so as not to let out its own espionage methodology.  However, it did say that "NIA has material evidence in this regard."

Gautam Navlakha’s tryst with law enforcement on Bhima-Koregaon conspiracy started in 2018.  He has escaped arrests and punishment until 2020.

We may remember that he had been summoned by the Maharashtra Police in October 2018 but his transit remand was quashed at that time. (Source)

He was finally arrested in May 2020.

A special NIA court here on Tuesday remanded civil rights activist Gautam Navlakha, arrested in the Elgar Parishad-alleged Maoist links case, to judicial custody till June 22. The activist, who surrendered before the National Investigation Agency last month, was brought to the city by the agency earlier in the day and produced before the court.  Earlier, he was in judicial custody till June 22 in Delhi; the court here continued his remand.  Navlakha was sent to Taloja jail near Mumbai.  Booked under the stringent Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, he surrendered before the NIA on April 14 after the Supreme Court denied him any relief. (Source)

Let us also be aware of the people who were backing Gautam Navlakha and his friends - the “intellectuals” that he was tasked to “unite”.

There is a Scholars at Risk Network (SRN) - a body for scholars ostensibly (Source) formed in 1999 at the University of Chicago and is currently headquartered in the New York City campus of New York University (NYU). (Source)  It came out with a statement in solidarity with both Navlakha and Anand Teltumbde. (Source)

Another “global group”, People’s Dispatch, based in India but with the content on Che Guevara and other leftist/Maoist groups in South America, also issues a statement in Navlakha’s support (Source)

What this shows is the massive interest in networks, groups, and powers outside India who want to set a certain narrative in India while interfering with the law enforcement, investigative and judicial processes.

Just remember that it all started with the raids that were conducted to investigate the plot to assassinate PM Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.

According to the Times of India, the arrests were made after two letters, allegedly exchanged by Maoist leaders, indicated plans to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP president Amit Shah and Home Minister Rajnath Singh. The letters, the report says, were recovered after the anti-Naxal operations in Maharashtra's Gadchiroli. One of the two letters, written in 2017, talks about "senior comrades" suggesting "concrete steps" to end the NDA’s rule. (Source)

So think of it: a plot - to assassinate the elected leaders of the government in power, and to spread violence via the Bhima-Koregaon plot - which NIA has investigated and has evidence for, is being brushed under the carpet by the global groups.

Who are these groups that have no qualms in supporting these criminals and terrorists?

Despite the Indian intelligence inputs, investigation, and indictments; how are others pronouncing the innocence of those who plotted and planned such crimes in collaboration with the espionage agency that is known for its terror links and patronage?

Remember ISI is not just another state intelligence agency.  It is the agency that harbored Osama Bin Laden and which has carried out terror attacks in India and Afghanistan through its proxies.

ISI, in reality, is a glorified terrorist group!

And of course, it is also clear from its actions that ISI had a hand in the 9-11 attacks. (For a detailed discussion, read this newsletter edition - #122 - Who REALLY carried out the 9-11 attacks?)

The important question here obviously for Indians should be - why are some so-called intellectuals globally so interested in saving terrorists-associates like Gautam Navlakha and Anand Teltumbde?

was a mysterious Naxalite woman tutoring Hathras victim family?

Now a curious case has come to light in the Hathras controversy.  It is about a mysterious woman who was staying at the victim’s family’s house.  She came in just two days after the death and stayed there from September 16th through the 22nd.

The investigators are probing whether the Naxalite intimidated/ threatened the victim’s family or bribed them into telling everyone that she was indeed the sister-in-law of the victim. The SIT is also probing whether the Naxalite brainwashed the family and convinced them that the district administration or other communities would make their lives difficult.  (Source)

Her connection to the case and her identity is being probed by the SIT.

burning the Hindu priest - Indianization of witch-burning?

In our edition talking about the Palghar Sadhus, we had said that the Sadhus in India are being looked at in the same manner as the witches were treated in Europe.

The spiritual women (and men) could have stopped the conversions to Christianity. So, they were targeted and eliminated. And, while they were being eliminated, the religious Christians made an example out of them….. Now, in a similar way, the Brahmins in India were the greatest impediments to the conversion of Hindus by the European missionaries….. After the first obstacle - the Brahmins; come the Sadhus, Sages, Gurus for the conversion lobby. (Issue #101: Palghar Sadhu murdered and Witch Burnings)

The killing of Palghar Sadhus and other priests in other places is the activation of the Indian “witch-burning” stage for social takeover.

A pujari has now been burnt alive in Rajasthan by those who wanted to encroach upon the temple land.

The priest, Babu Lal Vaishnav, was burnt alive in Karauli district’s Bukna village by five men who allegedly wanted to encroach on the temple land. The accused cornered Vaishnav near an agriculture farm and allegedly set him on fire after pouring petrol on him. Vaishnav was admitted in crucial condition to SMS hospital in Jaipur where he died on Thursday night. (Source)

A man was burned alive!  Why?  Because a temple had to be encroached upon.  It was not just a person who was killed.  But an entire family has been rendered in a destitute situation.  And, no one is even talking about them!

How and why is a society quiet at the burning alive of an old man, who happened to be a priest while it erupts on the death of a 19-year-old girl whose honor killing is cloaked as a gang-rape?

Because we have normalized the abuse and even torture of one group within our community.  The Brahmins.  Sheenie Ambardar shared this via her tweet. (Source)  The open call for killing members of one group of society is being done proudly.

And who is this bigot who is so openly advocating a holocaust?  He is an award-winning writer! Award from a Penguin publishing group company. (Source)

Such psychopaths have been unleashed on the Indian intellectual landscape with only one goal - to normalize terror, violence, and genocidal violence!  And global companies are willing to give them credibility by rewarding their work as well!

This manufacturing of vile and horrid hatred for one community, which has been systematically demonized, is done openly and with the complete sanction of morals of an elite that is sociopathic in its mindset.

nota bene

10 missile tests in 35 days: The Defence Research and Development Organisation will early next week fire the 800 km range Nirbhay sub-sonic cruise missile, the last for the solid rocket booster missile before its formal induction into the army and the navy, people familiar with the development told Hindustan Times. It would be the tenth missile test-firing by India’s lead defense research organization in the last 35 days. (Source)

10% veggies in the Indian market are not fit for eating: A country-wide investigation by the Food Safety and Standards Authority has revealed that 9.5 percent of vegetables sold in the market are not edible because of the amount of harmful heavy metals such as lead and cadmium present in these, which are at least two to three times higher than the prescribed limit. (Source)

Pak Jihadi Infiltration down by 75%: General Officer in Command XV Corps Lt Gen BS Raju has said that infiltration in Kashmir dipped from 130 in 2019 to less than 30 this year. Therefore, the incidents of infiltration in Kashmir are down by 75% this year. (Source)

Threesome Orgy on Church Altar: The Priest, Rev. Travis Clark, pastor of Saints Peter and Paul, was caught recording having threesome sex on the altar of Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church (Pearl River).  The women were dressed in corsets and high-heeled boots. There were sex toys and stage lighting. And a mobile phone as well as a separate camera were mounted on tripods, recording it all.  (Source)

Twitter to play election referee: Twitter will block retweets and “likes” of misleading content from candidates ahead of the US presidential election, in a move that will further escalate tension between the company and President Donald Trump.  On Friday, Twitter said it was updating its policies to add “additional warnings to misleading tweets” from US political figures including candidates and campaigns, and also the US accounts with more than 100,000 followers and those that garner significant engagement.  (Source)

when the cinematic genius breathed his last

Very few directors in Indian cinema have had the sense of lighting that Guru Dutt had.  From the iconic “Ye duniya agar mil bhi jaaye” in “Pyaasa” to the ‘Waqt Ne Kiya Kya Haseen Sitam’ in the movie ‘Kagaz Ke Phool’ (managed by team of Guru Dutt and V K Murthy) the light play was the real game changer.

On October 10th, Guru Dutt breathed his last.  The original victim of the vagaries of powerplay in Indian cinema.  But in these days of fast cinema, fake personalities and masked personas, no one cared.  Probably, appropriately so.

Guru Dutt has always remained my favorite director along with Bimal Roy, for the sheer ability to create visual delight and realistic cinema.  Guru Dutt had one more thing that not many had - a sense of humor.  If you watch Mr. and Mrs. 55 or Aar Paar or even Kagas ke Phool, you will know what I mean.

Here is one song from Guru Dutt’s last phenomenal movie Kagaz ke Phool, that is so very perceptive.  A delight.


Check out today’s “The Drishtikone Daily” edition.

The Drishtikone Daily

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