The elite are working hard to create an army of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) - like those in video games. Exercise of agency can move us from beings cogs to game changers. And that is at the root of our civilization as we know it.
USAID is being dismantled. Contrary to what the moral busybodies declare, the aid infrastructure of the West has actively subverted other societies. Its only when it turned inwards with the same zeal that it is now being dismantled - brick by brick.
China's AI Open Source model - DeepSeek R1 has shaken the tech and geopolitical world. It has ramifications in many areas. We have analyzed every aspect of its impact.
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” ― Thomas Jefferson
The power of any entity to do positive or negative is either based on its political clout and/or economic strength.
The Congress ecosystem along with that of the other parties which have aligned with it - say, the Communists and now Shiv Sena - is at best negligible.
As a reminder, this is the chart of the current Lok Sabha.
The media honchos and the bureaucratic sidekicks are still strutting around backing this cabal. Despite their lack of money-making/looting ability and loss of power.
So, what is it that is giving Congress so much power that it can lose the Delhi elections and all others and still get Shiv Sena to turn around?
Because the equations on the ground in India do not provide any logical reason for such a scenario. They have less than 10% of seats in the Lok Sabha while BJP has over 56%! And, the successive election results and work by the Modi government have made one thing clear - that Congress cannot come to any semblance of power for the next 25 years. From Shivam Vij (Source) to Vir Sanghvi (Source), every Congress backing ‘analyst’ is confident that Congress will not win for the next few elections at least.
With Gandhi’s clout and impact on India’s politics receding, we know that Congress cannot make much headway with them. And, without them to call the shots, it will disintegrate. For, it is the common minimum interest of looting that brings people in a group.
So when the chance of Congress making any significant headway in the Indian electoral scene is next to impossible for the next say 10-40 years - what is it that gives its shenanigans so much strength?
What makes so many of the fake news portals and false narratives thrive and be funded?
Who funds them? Who is funding the ecosystem that thrives on the corpse of a losing and dying entity?
The question that really needs our focus is - who the heck is backing this dead horse? And co-opting, funding, and facilitating its ecosystem.
And why?
As you read today’s issue, keep these questions in mind. It will make you wonder.
who really killed Manisha?
From the looks of it - specifically, after the report that the girl in Hathras did not get raped at all - this is another case of false story by media made popular without any evidence. The evidence is now being cooked up by the media and Congress/Leftists.
And, again, the same issue of lack of proper communication and quick action to get the proper narrative out has been lacking by the government.
Just like Junaid.
He did in a seat altercation within a train compartment and had nothing to do with religion or beef. That was the Punjab and Haryana High Court judgment. But that was never brought out by any media the same way as “Not in my name” Junaid’s story was. (Source)
It seems to be the same scenario here.
A story was concocted and then that lie has been spread by everyone.
पुरे गाँव के दर्जनों लोगो से बात करने पर प्रधान से लेकर मौके पर मुजूद लोगो ने बताया कि लड़की के लड़के के साथ बेहद करीबी संबंध थे। जिसमे वह कई बार पकडे गए व जिसकी वजह से लड़की के भाई ने कई बार लड़की को मारा पीटा था। प्रधान पति ने बताया इस विषय पर पंचायत भी हुई। उन्होंने कहा दोनों में विवाह करवा दीजिये जिसपर दोनों पक्ष तैयार नहीं हुए। कुछ दिन पहले यह दोनों फिर पकडे गए थे। जिसपर दोनों के घरवालों द्वारा दोनों की जमकर पिटाई करी गयी थी। इसी प्रकरण में लड़का जब बहुत दिनों बाद जब गाँव वापस आया तो उसे लड़की ने मिलने को बुलाया था। जिसको मनीषा की माता जोकि 15 से 20 कदमो की दुरी पर थी उन्होंने देख लिया था। इसके बाद के हिस्से में हमें अलग अलग बयान मिले लेकिन यह तय था कि तीन अन्य लोग जिसमे दो संदीप के चाचा है उनको जबरन घसीटा गया है जोकि वारदात पर मौजूद ही नहीं थे। इनमे से एक रामु के मालिक से हमारा संपर्क हो पाया जिन्होंने रामु के उस दिन काम पर रहने की पुष्टि करी। वहीं उन्होंने रामु के मोबाइल लोकेशन को निकालने की भी गुजारिश करी ताकि सभी अन्य दो लोगो के घटना स्थल पर न होने की पुष्टि हो जाए। (In spite of their mutual rivalry, the two got into a love affair. Pradhan Ram Kumar further informed that about 1 month ago both Manisha and Sandeep were caught by their family members. After which the beating of the girl and beating of the boy was done by their family members. At the same time, Pradhan ji was called in this case, who suggested the marriage of both in the panchayat. Which was not agreed on in both houses. Also, the girl's brother was strongly against the relationship between the two. Because of which he had also beaten both the boy and the girl many times. Seeing the growing relationship between the boy and the girl, the boy was sent out of the village for a few days. The boy had returned to the village a few days earlier, after which the two had once again reached the farm to meet.) (Source)
This story was run on a portal by the Delhi University journalism students.
How long did it take for the UP government to confirm the facts on the ground and get the work out quickly and clearly?
Why is it that the unscrupulous media elements were allowed to take control of the narrative?
The entire narrative and leftist media focus on the incident took a few days to come in. In those days, important points - of autopsy and the circumstances should have been clarified right up front.
The days of laziness in control of news cycle communications are over.
Now we have an entire media trial with the artificial creation of a story and nation-wide protests being implemented already.
Whatever truth comes out, it will be globally branded as “compromised”.
The leftist media does not win on facts. It wins on lies spread confidently across the nations in a narrative that is strengthened only by repetition.
Many were shouting that Sushant Singh’s case was getting a media trial? Heck, in this case, media has created an entire story and a trial all by itself! Just like in Junaid’s case. What happened on the ground and what was propagated around the world about Junaid’s case were two very different things!
But the point remains - who is behind this coordinated manipulation of information? And why?
how social media is being subverted by leftist/Congress trolls and their masters
The leftist/Congress trolls are active on every social media channel. Now they have infiltrated and are active even on Reddit. And, they seem to have partnered with the Pakistanis as well.
They work to upvote certain news items and downvote others. They work together to achieve that, specifically on subreddits which are to do with global news. Check this thread which seems like having some Pakistani behind it - from the way Modi’s name has been spelled.
Also, check this post by someone who merely questioned Vir Das in a comment. Just that - a question - was enough for him to be banned from that subreddit - r/India
Here’s the interesting thing - this subreddit is not just a voluntary undertaking by some passionate blokes. These guys are running it very seriously as they advertise it on Google as well. So someone is paying for that. Their goal - to demonize India, Hindus, and Modi.
In another subreddit, a Pakistani news item with the correct headline is removed saying its “inappropriate”, while an Indian news item with a headline that is mischievous at best is allowed to stay and be upvoted.
The use of social media for anti-Indian narrative and anti-Hindu bigotry has become very sophisticated. Unless there is a serious effort by well-connected, well-funded groups; this can create a tremendous trove of atrocity literature on a global scale.
nota bene
Damage by Congress to India’s Defence: At the inauguration of 9.2km long Atal Tunnel in Himachal Pradesh on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lighted up three projects in the west, central, and east India to underline that the previous government lacked strategic vision and pitched for a rapid border infrastructure upgrade to defend India. (Source)
Linking India to Aerospace market: Aerospace accelerator Starburst will expand its operations in India starting in Mumbai, where it will open a platform to promote local talents and to connect Indian companies in the field to international contractors, a press release for the company reported on Thursday. With branches in Tel Aviv, Paris, and Los Angeles, Starburst locates roughly 2,000 start-ups in the field of space and aviation every year. It has connections with the US Air Force, Israel Aerospace Industries, and Lufthansa Technik, among others. “For us, it’s time we enter a new market – and we want to help the Indian aerospace industry to outgrow, and reach other markets, too,” Starburst CEO Francois Chopard told The Jerusalem Post. (Source)
Shaurya test-fired: India on Saturday successfully test-fired a new version of the nuclear-capable hypersonic Shaurya missile with a range of 750 kilometers from a defense facility off the Odisha coast on Saturday, officials said. The launch is the latest in a string of recent weapons tests amid military tensions with China in the Ladakh sector. (Source)
Russia-India Common Approaches: Russia said on Saturday that it is working with India for "common approaches" for development in the Pacific and Indian ocean, even as both celebrate 20 years of establishment of "strategic partnership". Both sides signed the “Declaration on the India-Russia Strategic Partnership” in October 2000 during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit that year. (Source)
Now, Fecal Transplants: What’s the secret to eternal youth? As scientists look for ways to extend life, a new study suggests the answer to healing older brains may be hiding in younger guts. Researchers say fecal transplants not only affect your gut health, but they can also alter your brain too. An international team finds fecal transplants from older to younger mice impacts the learning and memory abilities of the recipient. By altering the gut microbiome of the younger mice, researchers say they began to act more like their older donors. These changes included some of the same cognitive impairments older brains suffer from. (Source)
a comprehensive narration of Kashmiri history
If you want to know about the real story of Kashmir and the mess that has happened there, I recommend two ethnic Kashmiris on Youtube - Sushil Pandit and Hamid Bashani. The latter is a barrister based in Toronto and is originally from the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. He is a straight shooter and discusses things very dispassionately.
But today, I want to share this gem of a video, where Sushil Pandit explains the history of Kashmir to a couple of Pakistanis in their language but with comprehensive answers to every question that Pakistanis keep coming up with. Please do listen to this for a correct understanding of Kashmiri history and get up to speed on how to answer to the incorrect rendition of what happened in Kashmir. For, it is not just about Pakistanis, but Indians are also ignorant. In fact far more ignorant about Kashmir! The Pakistani guy is just a juvenile distraction. Just way too lame and tone-deaf as he keeps parroting crap that no one outside of a few TV analysts cliques in Pakistan believes in.
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