The elite are working hard to create an army of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) - like those in video games. Exercise of agency can move us from beings cogs to game changers. And that is at the root of our civilization as we know it.
USAID is being dismantled. Contrary to what the moral busybodies declare, the aid infrastructure of the West has actively subverted other societies. Its only when it turned inwards with the same zeal that it is now being dismantled - brick by brick.
China's AI Open Source model - DeepSeek R1 has shaken the tech and geopolitical world. It has ramifications in many areas. We have analyzed every aspect of its impact.
Its been over a week since you have received our newsletter. Health reasons to blame. Had a COVID scare, tested negative - phew! Stomach bug which cleared and things back to normal. In the coming days will have to rethink the frequency strategy.
A lot has happened during this last one week. And in some ways nothing much of significance really transpired. However, one important thing from India’s perspective was that the Chinese have been pushed back from the Galwan valley. Given they are the Chinese, this is not the end of the thing.
We are now seeing an unravelling of the leftist woke world in a way that no one could have predicted. When fanaticism and ideology drives ones sans any sense or responsibility, then one is very quickly out-flanked by someone who is even more fanatic than you. Ahmadis, for example, spear-headed the partition movement for a separate Islamic nation - Pakistan. In fact, it was an Ahmadi who created the Pakistani Constitution which established it as an Islamic nation. Then one day, someone came in Pakistan and established that Ahmadis were the non-Muslims and could be killed for blasphemy. When you are about “Us vs Them”, then one day, only you are the “Us”, and everyone else is “Them”.
“Recognise that the apparent is unreal, while the unmanifest is abiding. Through this initiation into truth you will escape falling into unreality again.” ― Ashṭāvakra, Ashtavakra Gita
yolk of the woke unleashes a global virus
Kshama Sawant, a Seattle councilwoman led a virulent campaign against the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019, that was basically pushed by the Islamist and leftist forces in the US. And Seattle council passed a resolution against a law passed by the parliament of another country - India.
For many, on the left it was a great band-wagon to be on. She was the leftist star.
She won her reelection for the council seat in November 2019 by beating a candidate who was backed by Amazon. Because Sawant was running against Amazon and its zero tax.
In October, Seattle Times, said something very interesting about her.
“The Socialist Alternative rabble rouser – or should I say champion of the common people – has shown herself not especially interested in comity and compromise.”
To this, she responded in a Guardian article in a very matter-of-fact way.
“When they say that, ‘Oh we don’t have a good working relationship,’ what they are actually saying is that I am not accountable to them, I’m accountable to the movement,” said Sawant. “But that’s not something I hide, that’s not something I’m planning to change and I’m proud of that because that is the only winning strategy.”
The movement.
Rabid, fanatic socialist movement. It was the strategy.
Suddenly, from within the yolk of the woke emerges a virulent strain which has no loyalty to the woke of the traditional democratic left.
It is against the democracy that has any hint of capitalism at all.
And, it is not trying to hide it even. It is open in saying “We are coming for you”!
Folks, America had a left. But both sides of the aisle - left or right - were firm about one thing - the market economy or capitalism of US. It needed some socialist measures to handle the safety net for the poor and the weak. But there was no compromise on the essential nature of market economy.
That, now, is the direct target.
This virus which was traveling undetected, merrily along with the unsuspecting democratic politics, has suddenly found a trajectory and critical mass of its own.
Black lives matter came with protests but what those protests left behind were not better lives for blacks. But looting, destruction, statue-breaking and a lot of talk of entitlement. Even worse - cancel culture. Canceling everything that US ever stood for or has.
To a point, where there are open calls for dismantling of its institutions. Not reforms. Not changes. Dismantling.
Rep. Ilhan Omar says America is a giant “system of oppression” needing an immediate “dismantling” far beyond current calls for criminal justice reform.
These are calibrated assaults. Assaults which were in line with the very strategy of the “yolk of the wokes”. Just that the enthusiastic democrats hoping for a bump up against Trump and the “right” jumped at in the beginning.
The Islamist-Leftist anarchy agenda is now unfolding in the US. Those like Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders who have basically parroted the agenda of such forces in context of India, were probably recognizing the constricted space that was left for them within their own party and polity.
The new woke left movement is Islamist in ideology and anarchist in intent.
And, it does not believe in the democratic institutions. That is why the call for dismantling of the institutions now in the garb of “re-doing” the social norms.
Race is just a horse. Destruction of the democracy is the goal.
Some of the leftists have sensed that now and have come up with an open letter to “end the cancel culture”. But one is not sure if they found their voice in time.
close Video Liberal writers, professors and activists have come together and signed an open letter in the hopes of ending “cancel culture.” “Harry Potter” author J.K.
What will Noam Chomsky argue against? Bringing down of the Confederate statues? What will Fareed Zakaria fight against? Breaking up of Slave auction stones?
When Zakaria was using the “Muslims from Islamic countries”, who incidentally were criminally persecuting its minorities, as a ruse to ding the Citizenship Amendment Act (law to help those unfortunate few) he used exactly the same strategy of argument that this new virulent left is using.
Heck, they gave it to him!
He was imbecile and closet-Islamist enough to use it to hide his own person proclivities!
When your fight is dishonest, then the anecdotal, passionate anecdotal, becomes the most vicious weapon to unleash destruction.
That is what was used against India for the last 3 years at least.
And, after perfecting that, those who look to dismantle the democracies will be unleashing it on the United States of America. Before it is used to dismantle the entire Western world.
This was a civilizational war, you idiots! Not an election fight!
As Sawant asserted, the foot soldiers like her, are “accountable to the movement”! Go figure. And deal with it when you do figure!
chinese investment into Indian cricket
Penetration by the Chinese in India is far deeper than we could have imagined. Look at how much the Chinese companies, beholder to the PLA and CCP, hold share in the cricket world. Specifically in India. This is a good summary of the Chinese infiltration into cricket.
The dismantling of the Chinese encroachment into India will take far bigger battles than what the Indian Army can fight.
personal commitment and effort
During these times, either one can keep crying and feeling depressed or do something about it. Here is the story of how Sadhguru personally inspired and contributed to generate the money and ensure that no one goes hungry in the area around the Ashram.
Now, Isha volunteers can continue to provide three meals to 18,000 people, as they have been doing for the past 75 days. Isha has also been carrying out mammoth relief operations for 200,000 people in 90 villages around the Yoga Center since the lockdown began. In part because of this swift relief operation, not a single COVID-19 positive case has been reported in the area. It’s impressive considering Tamil Nadu is one of the runaway states where the virus is on a rampage.
As Sadhguru made the commitment to ensure that no one within reach goes hungry, he also gave the kind of money that would be needed for this - Rs 14-15 crores. But how do the volunteers get that kind of money during lockdown? That is when Sadhguru showed a side of his that no one had seen - Artist. Read the story.
In his book Dark Nature, Lyall Watson argues that while genes are selfish, the organism need not be. He cites a compelling example of his encounter with a group of false killer whales in the Florida Keys.
‘Bhairava’ has found a home. Our gentle bull serving us well in Life & Beyond. The donor’s compassion & generosity will enable our volunteers to continue to serve rural communities rendered helpless by the pandemic. –Sg #BeatTheVirus
Talking of personal commitment, some work happens quietly, without any word or even great goals. Just small yet super-human work. Here is a story of D. Sivan. A postman who would deliver mail to folks in the remotest parts walking 15 kms through thick forest, streams, chased by wild animals.
A postman from Tamil Nadu is being hailed as a hero for his dedicated service. D Sivan who retired last week is being widely praised on social media for walking through dense forests to deliver letters.
In one of the most audacious albeit relevant moves, India is preparing to ask the ecommerce tech giants to share their source code with them. This is because the Indian government wants to ensure that no bias or prejudice is built into the platforms.
Bloomberg says it obtained a draft e-commerce policy that would mandate access to sites’ source codes and algorithms. This would help prevent “digitally induced biases,” according to the draft. It would also help determine if companies have “explainable” AI. In other words, sites would have to make some of their trade secrets available without a court battle.
Funding of riots: In a significant development, sleuths of Delhi Police have made a major revelation about the alleged foreign funding into the violent anti-Hindu riots that rocked the national capital in the last week of February. The Delhi Police in its investigation into the Delhi riots found that funds were received from the United Kingdom, Oman and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) just before the flare-up in the northeast Delhi. (Source)
COVID Brain Damage: Scientists warned on Wednesday of a potential wave of coronavirus-related brain damage as new evidence suggested COVID-19 can lead to severe neurological complications, including inflammation, psychosis and delirium. (Source)
Student Visa Mess: Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are suing the Trump administration in federal court over a move to strip international students of their visas if their coursework is entirely online when classes resume in the fall. (Source)
Coming US China Push-back: On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro stated that President Trump will take “a series of actions taken over the next several weeks that will hold China accountable for the damage that it’s doing to the American people.” (Source)
exploring Sam!
Very few individuals can stake a claim to have sculpted the India that this generation has. Field Marshal Sam Maneckshaw was one person, who could easily strut about it based on the contributions he had made. His amazing demeanour, his ways, mannerisms, his sharp mind and wit made him the Sam that he always will be! Here he is being interviewed by his grandson Jahan.