India Journey and Geopolitics: Silence Within, Chaos Outside
My India journey started with Mahakumbh, followed by a conference on geopolitics. The world is changing, and we need to focus on the motivations behind these changes.
By the beginning of the 300 AD, no one in Greece and Rome could ever believe that their gods and civilization could ever go away.
In 150 years, the situation had changed so much that no one could believe that such a civilization, gods, and scholars ever existed.
The “pagans” were open in terms of their pursuing of gods. They could admit anyone and have no issues. What use was writing their history or a narrative of their gods and practice when everyone believed and practiced the same way.
In a bonafide open way.
Until the religious Christians came along.
They started writing history. And also about their narrative of god. Their god and pagans gods. The latter was the way they wanted.
In deciding who to worship, congregations were not choosing between one god and another. They were choosing between good and evil; between God and Satan. To allow someone to follow a path other than the true Christian one was not liberty; it was cruelty. (Source: “The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World”, Catherine Nixey)
So utterly humiliating was the narrative of the pagan gods and so well sold it was that when the Greek and Roman gods went away, it is said that no one even wasted any tears. And, that meant the destruction of all the works of greats from schools of Plato, Archimedes, Aristotle and Euclid.
When Damascius and his followers left Athens to save themselves from the tyranny of the Christian persecution, the last remaining schools with links to Plato and Aristotle was destroyed.
Books were burned. Anyone having any literature of the greatest of philosophers, scientists, mathematics were tortured and killed and their possessions destroyed. Scholars killed. Openly. The murder of Hypatia, the greatest astronomer and mathematician of her time by first disrobing her naked and then killing her was the most ghastly deed that defined the Christian defilement of the Greek civilization. (The Murder of Hypatia: How Christian Fanatics tore apart the Greatest Mathematician of her time)
All this happened because pagans and Greeks were people ‘without a history’ with gods 'without a reason’.
Why was Delphi created? Why did they consecrate? What was the logic and spiritual backdrop of their stories?
All was forgotten. And, then misrepresented and distorted. No one knew the truth. No one understood the spiritual significance.
And so, when it was all destroyed, no one cared.
With the passing of the Greek civilization and destruction of their books, libraries (the great library of Alexandria with 700,000 volumes burnt for days after its destruction by a Christian Bishop) and scholarship in 5th century; human knowledge was devastated so badly that it didn’t recover until the 20th century for most part. And, the Spiritual knowledge would never recover!
That is the power of narratives and ideological history writing. It can be the vehicle to drag a naked Hypatia and tear her body apart without remorse. Or even a criminal charge by the historians.
For, she belonged to a people without history.
“We went down into the silent garden. Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence. Everything is transfixed, only the light moves.” ― Leonora Carrington
Juan Armenta Camacho and Cynthia Irwin-Williams started excavations in 1962 at Hueyatlaco, which is an archeological site in Valsequillo, Mexico. The team was joined by Virginia Steen-McIntyre in 1966. What the excavation came up with should have shaken the very root of Historical studies in the world. If, there hadn’t been a concerted and deliberate campaign to cover up the findings by obfuscating the evidence and discrediting McIntyre.
In a paper published in Quaternary Research in 1981 by Steen-McIntyre, Fyxell and Malde which discussed and defended the findings from Hueyatlaco, results from 4 sophisticated and independent test approaches were shared using uranium-thorium dating, fission track dating, tephra hydration dating and the studying of mineral weathering to determine the date of the artifacts.
The authors wrote:
The evidence outlined here consistently indicates that the Hueyatlaco site is about 250,000 yr. old. We who have worked on geological aspects of the Valsequillo area are painfully aware that so great an age poses an archeological dilemma […] In our view, the results reported here widen the window of time in which serious investigation of the age of Man in the New World would be warranted. We continue to cast a critical eye on all the data, including our own.
Sophisticated man-made tools were found in the geographic strata of the Hueyatlaco site have been dated to ca. 250,000 ybp (years before the present), by multiple peer reviewed studies. This rubbishes the very history of “New World” or the Americas – which has been dated to be from 40,000 BC onwards.
History has been a prisoner of Abraham. He can’t go earlier than 4000 years and so couldn’t human history be allowed to go beyond that time. It didn’t matter what the evidence eversaid, the Church had the scholarship firmly held to its tune.
Unfortunately, most social sciences have been contaminated by the stories woven by the Nicene Councils which created the narrative backdrop for Christianity. And that narrative had to survive at any cost.
COVID is a great time to see if you are smart or not. Smart people, studies say, are happier when they are alone. Probably because they know that they are in a great company! The rest of us know how miserable we are and who wants to be with such a person anyway?
The psychologists explain a lot of our behavior by linking it to how our ancestors, the early homo sapiens lived and how they adapted to the environment. Many of our traits – most famous being “Fight or Flight” – presumably comes from there.
There is a program called Criminal Minds on TV, which has had many seasons. It deals with the kind of evil that lurks in human being, sometimes in broad daylight. One small mistake, a bad turn or unfortunate choice and a person can lose his/her life in the most gruesome ways.
Serial killers thrive at unleashing death in that manner. It is difficult to fathom that someone could have escaped and survived these determined, evil serial killers. But some have.
What did they or at least their experiences have in common? It is an interesting read.
When someone is in front of an evil as terrible as a serial killer, then it is not the words or the language or even the behavior.
He seems to be doing better than Trump right now, but even the guy who selected him as his deputy doesn’t believe in him.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up,” the former president told an unnamed Democrat,
That doesn’t sound like an endorsement at all.
Barack Obama has publicly endorsed presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden — but has privately expressed grave concerns about his former veep’s 2020 White House run.
How do you consume your news? What are its sources? In this interesting study by Pew research in US, they found that as many Millennials in percent terms, are consuming their political news from Facebook as the Baby Boomers do from Local TV!
You can read more about this study here.
Tomorrow’s media will be different. The situation is actual quite scary if you really see. As newspapers close down, so does the reporting. Social Media does not do reporting – it regurgitates. But what will it regurgitate, if the news reporting is not there? What business models need to be created?
What this also means is that we all are now becoming the consumers and creators of news. And, this will grow. Unfortunately, the social media news and information on Wikipedia, Facebook and Twitter is being managed by a few. Ideological barriers have been set up which are, as of now, unsurmountable.
Do you think we should partake in the current set of platforms or seek alternatives? Which alternatives make sense? Here is a link to a poll for these two questions - please share your choice and we will share the result in the next edition -
Should we continue on current Social Media platforms? If no, what are the viable alternatives?
COVID Fatality under 2%: On a continuous positive path of slide in its COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate, India has one of the lowest mortality globally. It stands at 1.93%, as of today, which is one of the lowest globally. India’s recovery rate has reached nearly 72% ensuring more and more patients are recovering. 53,322 have recovered and been discharged in the past 24 hours. (Source)
COVID Economic plan: The Modi government is prioritizing on improving the overall infrastructure for faster development with the help of National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) project and announced that over Rs 110 lakh crore would be invested in the NIP. For this, PM Modi said that more than 7,000 projects have been identified across various sectors. NIP project will play a crucial role in pulling the country out of the impact of COVID 19. NIP is a project that will revolutionize India’s infra creation efforts. Many new jobs will be created, our farmers, youngsters, entrepreneurs will benefit, he added. (Source)
India to help Mauritius: MV Wakashio struck a coral reef on July 25, spilling about 1,000 tonnes of fuel oil and endangering corals, fish and other marine life in what some scientists have called the country’s worst ecological disaster. India has sent equipment and personnel to help Mauritius contain the oil spill. (Source)
Brothel for Massage Only: Berlin’s brothels were allowed to reopen last week after months of closure due to coronavirus restrictions – but full-on sex is still off-limits. Instead, clients looking for sexual healing in the German capital will have to make do with erotic massages until regulations are further relaxed in September. (Source)
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Aluna means conscience in the language of the Kogi people who live on a mountain in Colombia. They have rarely interacted with the outside. In 1990, when a BBC journalist went their and met one man whom people said was the enlightened one, he was told that people outside that place need to change themselves. Or nature will exact its price. Diseases without cure would hit the mankind. No one listened.
In 2018, he was summoned again. To repeat the warning of the impending doom and asking to spread the message to the outside world to change its ways. Watch this fascinating movie.