The elite are working hard to create an army of Non-Player Characters (NPCs) - like those in video games. Exercise of agency can move us from beings cogs to game changers. And that is at the root of our civilization as we know it.
USAID is being dismantled. Contrary to what the moral busybodies declare, the aid infrastructure of the West has actively subverted other societies. Its only when it turned inwards with the same zeal that it is now being dismantled - brick by brick.
China's AI Open Source model - DeepSeek R1 has shaken the tech and geopolitical world. It has ramifications in many areas. We have analyzed every aspect of its impact.
Paramountcy of George Soros and the Democratic Empire #376
George Soros is targeting Narendra Modi and India. Looking seriously you will see echoes of the European doctrine of paramountcy in his subversive narrative. Let us understand Soros and the Democratic Empire building.
"That which IS after all the senses have ceased to function and all notions of please and pain have vanished is the self or Siva which is also indicated by expressions like ‘that’, ‘truth’ or ‘reality’. However, that which IS when all these cease to exist even when all these are present, like the limitless space. Out of their compassion for ignorant deluded ones, in an effort to awaken them spiritually and to awaken in them a thirst for liberation, the redeemers of the universe (known as Brahma, Indra, Rudra, and others) have composed scriptures like the Vedas and the Puranas (the legends). In these scriptures, they have used words like ‘consciousness’, ‘Brahman’, ‘Siva’, ‘self’, ‘Lord’, ‘supreme self’ etc. These words may imply a diversity, but in truth there is no such diversity." - Vasistha's Yoga, Swami Venkatesananda
As we celebrate the beginning of a new time as the winter time fades into the oncoming spring with Mahashivaratri, Drishtikone wishes that the coming times will be fruitful, awakening, and blissful for you and your loved ones.
Per the lunar calendar, every fourteenth day of each month or the day before the new moon is a Shivratri. The Shivaratri that occurs in February/March timeframe is however special. It is known as the Mahashivaratri.
The Great Night.
It is also known as the night when Shiva married his wife, Parvati. And also the day that he performed the divine dance of great destruction and creation called the Tandava.
Destruction of the destructible and the manifestation of the indestructible eternal is a constant and synchronous phenomenon. Unless the former happens, one cannot have the experience of the latter.
That is why where Mahashivaratri is the time of ending the old limiting ways, it is also the beginning of new eternally significant and spiritually potent experiences.
May this Mahashivaratri in 2023 be that beginning.
Old rich megalomaniacal billionaire and his messiah-complex
An old billionaire with a record of destroying economies and using non-state mechanisms to perpetrate state power in an unconstitutional manner and profit from such an imperialist enterprise.
The man spouting inconsistent demented nonsense like - India is a democracy but its leader, Narendra Modi, is not - is George Soros.
Which is puzzling!
Narendra Modi won a democratic election in 2019 (as he did the one in 2014), which was the largest democratic election in human history with total voter numbers at 900 million.
Soros then asserts why he thinks Modi's rise happened.
To understand the fake narrative that this old billionaire is trying to further, check the analytics of the vote share of Modi's party. In the poor, the backward, the lower caste, and in Muslim majority constituencies. What do you find?
The BJP's vote share in constituencies where, for example, the Muslim population is between 20-40%, was ~44%. Versus 16.20% in the case of the Congress party. And btw, it had increased by over 8% from the previous elections.
Either Indian Muslims are fools that they voted so overwhelmingly for a man, that George Soros believes incited violence against them!
Or he is spreading false propaganda?
It isn't difficult to understand which of these is correct.
This Oldfag then goes ahead talking about how bringing down Modi will spread "democratic revival" in India.
No one in the Western world has managed to win an election with anything over a third of the size of the electorate that the 2019 Indian election had.
And yet, the Western press, the think tanks, and the anarchists like Soros have the gumption to throw words like democracy at India's elected leaders.
Megalomaniacal delusion does not even cut it!
So let's put this crap about democracy and all the rest of that nonsense aside. Western press, think tanks, anarchists, and establishments have no interest nor any locus standii on those things given their own record in their countries and the ones they have invaded.
Then what is it?
Soros was speaking at the Munich Security Conference. Its an annual conference on global security issues. A German official and publisher Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist started it at the peak of the Cold War.
So a bunch of Western establishment honchos come together in order to discuss the security of the world.
Interesting mantle.
So who gave them the contract for that? To decide for the security and moral situation of the rest of the world?
We will look at this fetish by expanding our time frame.
But before we go there, let us understand George Soros and his own agenda-setting.
"I am subversive wearing masks" - the Real Soros
Per his own admission, his foundations are subversive. And he wears many masks while he indulges in double-speak to do what he believes he needs to do.
A tactic Soros used in Georgia to topple the government there and also in other "color revolutions". He used deception, double-speak and subversion in Georgia and in Ukraine.
Source: "The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, And Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party" / David Horowitz and Richard Poe
After he had brought the British pound down in September 1992, Soros gave an interview to Anatole Kaletsky of the London Times,to boast about his actions in that whole fiasco.
In Kaletsky’s article, Soros stated that, as the press had conjectured, his fund, Quantum, and several of its offshoots had bet roughly ten billion dollars against the pound (about nine billion of which was borrowed, in Soros’s customary leveraging). He also said that Quantum’s combined speculation, mainly against the pound, had garnered a profit of about two billion dollars. Soros became even more expansive, declaring that in the days before the pound’s collapse “we must have been the biggest single factor in the market.” (Source: The world according to George Soros / New Yorker)
Why did he boast so openly about his deeds?
Soros' friend, Edgar Astaire, suggested that maybe he felt he was impregnable.
“George never wanted publicity, but he feels he’s past that—he feels he’s impregnable now.”
This man, who openly subverts countries, societies and economies often using his "Open" Societies and Foundations, has a messianic complex.
He admits to what Kaufman calls ''messianic'' ideals: ''I have had these illusions, or perhaps delusions, of grandeur and they have driven me.'' He has also said that his ''goal is to become the conscience of the world.'' (Source: Who Wants to Be a Billionaire? / New York Times)
An imperialist in the garb of a do-goodism cloak and delusions of morally setting the world right for his own profits.
This is precisely how the Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. Jaishankar described the subversive interventions of George Soros.
But this isn't the first time such a mentality and evil has raised its head in the world.
It has been the norm.
Sovereignty, Greed, and Poverty
The British Government in India passed an Elephant Preservation Act in 1879, which made it mandatory for individuals to get a license from the government in order to capture wild elephants. The very next year, the British promulgated another set of rules that covered the area of Keonjhar. British law was now applicable to that princely state.
Dhanurjai Narayan Bhanj Deo was the ruler of Keonjhar. He vehemently protested against this "encroachment" over his "sovereign right". His argument?
he had an “absolute” right to capture elephants found within his territory without requiring a licence issued by a British Indian authority. (Source: University of Leeds)
Now one can argue that was where the maharaja's nationalism came alive.
But did it?
He was fine when his entire kingdom was taken away by the British and servility for decadence was shoved onto him without a murmur. The only thing that disturbed him was his right to exercise his depraved lifestyle.
His "nationalism" started when his access to the unbridled right to depravity ended. By then, the lives and security of his people and the freedom of the nation had been pawned irretrievably.
By the time the nation and people would become free again, everything that he knew - his kingdom, his lifestyle, his progeny - would have been relegated to the footnotes of history. When the British left, Keonjhar (part of the Singhbhum-Keonjhar-Banei belt in Odisha) was and remains even now, as one the most backward districts in the country!
That is how the cookie crumbles.
Personal interests of greedy scoundrels who have their hands on the buttons of power become a weapon for the imperialists to rule other nations.
Weaponizing of weak kings and leaders to assert control over their states and people is the central precept of imperialists.
Western Paramountcy and Dangers of Others' Independence
The imperial enterprise was underlined by the inherent assumption by the Europeans and the West that they somehow had paramountcy over every territory and people on this planet. Even the universe, if they could help it.
The way the British approached the Boers in South Africa showcased this very clearly.
Boer independence, in their eyes, was "dangerous for world peace,"because that "threatened" British paramount power, which incidentally made complete sense!
So the engagement with the Boers was only to push them to surrender their sovereignty.
This right to paramount power over others was what the British imperialists asserted over India.
From Residency to Paramountcy
When Britain was merely trading, the representatives from that country would be commercial agents - also known as British Residents - who would look after the trading interests. This was a system of residency that the East India Company had in India. When the role of East India Company moved from Commercial to Imperial, this system of Residency morphed into the system of Paramountcy.
A representative of the British company was the new sovereign of the kingdom!
The idea of paramountcy was developed in the first decade of the 19th century.
The first clear enunciation of the idea of paramountcy is to be found in Ochterlony's letter to Metcalfe, dated March 21, 1820, in which he writes: "I hope His Lordship will in Virtue of his Power and Paramountcy forbid all future invasions of Surhoie and fix himself a sum which the Rajah must take". In his Minute, 1825, Metcalfe speaks of the fact of paramountcy by which the British Government had itself the "duty as supreme guardians of general tranquillity, law and right to maintain the legal succession". (Source: White Paper on Indian States / Wikisource)
You see, the doctrine of the paramountcy of the British over the Indian rulers was for the good of the colonized. It was to help the subjugated millions who had to be saved.
There was a growing body of opinion within the company that only British control of India could end the constant wars and provide really satisfactory conditions for trade; full dominion would be economical as well as salutary. (Source: "The ascent to paramountcy"/Britannica)
This doctrine of paramountcy was most elaborately described by Lord Reading in his famous letter to the Nizam of Hyderabad in a letter dated 27th March 1926.
Its argument is indistinguishable from what Metcalfe presented in 1825.
And, that is not any different from the argument shared by George Soros in terms of why he thinks his choice of rule and rulers stands paramount in the context of India, despite the country's unprecedented status of democratic structure and framework.
To select a ruler for the greatest democratic state in the history of humanity is for George Soros a mark of "Democratic Revival".
The sophistry of the words, the indelible mark of deception, and the burden of a white man's moral supremacy in Lord Reading's letter and the speech by George Soros are remarkable in their similarity. The argument is for the paramountcy of one man/group over another nation because, well, the paramount power of the colonizer is supreme and unquestionable.
The ethnocentric sense of superiority that underlined the British doctrines and methods of dealing with Indians and the kingdoms was deeply intertwined with the religious beliefs shaped by the theological assertions of their missionaries.
The Subsidiary alliance system was built upon the principle of British paramountcy by which the Indian kings accepted the power of the British rulers while retaining fictional sovereignty under the "rubric of Pax Britannica," and ultimately was replaced by an outright rule using another surreptitious mechanism called the "Doctrine of Lapse."
Creating an alliance for the support and security of the target state. Declaration of paramountcy. Creating structures to complete colonial rule and destruction (economic and social) of the target state.
How is that different from the democracy promotion programs?
When you look at the progression from the subsidiary alliance to the doctrine of British paramountcy to the doctrine of lapse, where what was touted as an alliance bore the seeds of colonial conquest, albeit, in altruistic language, you are forced to wonder about how the fundamental character of "democracy promotion" programs that end up in the destruction of the targeted states while the West, specifically America, gets the minerals and assets from those states.
Let's just take the example of what happened in Iraq.
We have dwelled substantially on how "Democracy Promotion" is used by the US, via an institutional framework led by the National Endowment for Democracy to subvert other nation-states for its foreign policy objectives.
To refresh your memory, we shared this in the above article.
National Endowment for Democracy is a covert subversion program with the glaze of do-goodism that replaced covert operations by the CIA, which had gotten a bad name in the 60s.
Democracy Promotion was created as a tool for doing what the CIA was doing anyway during the Cold War. It became more pronounced post-Cold War days.
The way it was conceived and the manner of its narrative, it was meant to reconcile both, the imperialists and the anti-imperialists. One side believed in Anglo-Saxon supremacy and paramountcy, while the other loved the sheen of democracy installing the "white man's burden" narrative.
Colonialism with missionary agenda was replaced by Imperialism with Democracy Promotion. NED's activists were the new missionaries.
And for good measure, NED funnels its money via three organizations - covering every interest group with a voice in the US and beyond.
That is why it is difficult for those outside the US to fully comprehend how and why the farce of democracy promotion, with its very obvious and in-your-face imperial agenda is not challenged in the "greatest democracy".
The reason - everyone is bought into this kool-aid.
Imperialism via Democracy and Soros in Political corridors
So when George Soros talked of "Democratic Revival", when he was clearly talking about subversion, there is a context.
Soros had made serious and deep inroads into Washington DC on the back of his boastful remarks post-1992 Pound Sterling debacle during the Clinton era.
He cultivated relationships with the top bureaucracy in the State Department and the Treasury. In fact, he opened an office in DC that functions as Soros' State Department!
What is especially interesting is that Soros is now an extension of the US foreign policy. Specifically so in the Clinton-Obama-Biden establishment.
Or a Non-state subversion machine of a State operation?
The ultimate prize of covert and overt machinations of state power of a democratic nation and the non-state actors it uses to unleash its imperial agenda is global control.
It has been called a Democratic Empire.
Democratic Empire - Oxymoronic strategy of world domination
A democratic empire is a political state which conducts its internal affairs democratically (i.e. with respect for its citizens and their collective will) but externally its policies have a striking resemblance to imperial rule. Democratic imperialism as such may in fact be a misnomer, as empires express themselves with aggression abroad and repression at home. The concept of a democratic empire can likewise be an instrument of social control as with ideology and ideological conditioning generally. (Source: Wikipedia)
Democracy and its supposed furtherance enable a power to wield imperialism in plain sight while creating grounds for deniability.
That is the power of "Democracy Promotion" by the National Endowment for Democracy (the new avatar of CIA covert operations) and the "Democratic Revival" agenda of George Soros, a subvertist by his own admission!
Video Corner: A "Balanced Car"
Sometimes it is interesting to peer into history and see how products have progressed over the years.
This is a Jam Handy film from 1935. It shows how a good passenger car ought to balance a number of attributes: speed, power, comfort, economy, etc.
To do this it starts by juxtaposing examples of those properties prevalent in the day: race cars at Indianapolis, an army tank, Sir Malcolm Campbell’s Bluebird LSR racer at Daytona Beach, and a custom-built GMC giant motor coach called Carcajou.
In the end, of course, the movie argues that Chevrolet models do the balancing act.
That year though Chevrolet had two models - distinct model lines that year, Standard (EC, 107-in wheelbase) and Master DeLuxe (ED/EA,113-in wheelbase).
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Over 400 million people are congregating in one city looking to find the truth about eternal and immortal life. They are seeking liberation. The greatest spectacle in human history is underway!
When you see Russia get into existential war over Ukraine, or Israel bomb Syria or India battle with Pakistan or Bangladesh, it is not because of some whim. It has a historical and geographical context. That is critical to understand for analyzing geopolitics.
America's Justice Department and SEC have targeted India's Adani Group with a bribery case. Using Nationalistic sentiment doesn't help. Yes, law has been weaponized and India's sovereignty compromised but not how they think. A definitive guide to understanding the case.