Sacralization of Outrage and How to Break Free
When rage is combined with religious and ideological absolutism, avenues of freedoms vanish. Dissent is met with ruthless subjugation and every atrocity is covered up by ambivalence. Let's deep dive.
Technology creates ease for us in our lives. It takes one aspect of nature and standardizes it. Enough to be used irrespective of the intelligence of the user. Scientists innovate, technologists standardize, and normal people use.
Rema Rajeshwari and Dr Suneem Khan share an interesting perspective via their post ‘Fake News, the 21st century Insurgency [https:
Something sinister is in the air these days. And it is targeting our kids. There is a playfulness almost about
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Did you know that your data on the social media and other audio, image or video sharing sites is vulnerable?
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There was a major outage yesterday in all of the Facebook related/owned properties. There were significant outages worldwide [https:
A lot of Modi supporters in India are finding out that Twitter is playing dirty games. Twitter is placing its
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The current popular American narrative is that the jobs that US has lost have happened due to the various Trade
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I have a 4 year old HP Touchsmart 610 workstation. It has worked fine for so many years, but recently