The Last Real US Election

Influx of Illegals and attacks on the first amendment along with rampant censorship suggest that not only is demography being altered at scale but the fundamental rights are being curbed rapidly in the US. There wouldn't be democracy left to save!

The Last Real US Election
Photo by Paulette Wooten / Unsplash
low-angle photo of U.S. flag placed on gray pole
Photo by Jonathan Simcoe / Unsplash
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Isaac Asimov

We are now looking at the breakdown of American democracy and the United States as a Republic.

A republic is a form of government where the people hold the power and elect representatives to exercise it. The people are the source of power, and they can vote their leaders out of office if they are unhappy with their governance

That will no longer be possible if the voices are silenced and voting is outsourced to the world.

The representatives of the people are no longer representing them.

They are suffering without recourse.

In that sense, a fair election will no longer be possible within the US anymore.

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Outsourcing the Voter

Can democracy be outsourced in a Republic?

The current group of Democrats have cracked the code to outsource the voters for the US elections to the world.

Huntington Beach residents passed a common sense bill around voting that wouldn't even be necessary in any democracy.

That it was even needed in a democratic country is incredible in itself. But what transpired thereafter is telling!

Source: Ballotpedia

The ADA-compliant-in-person voting locations are per the current federal rules. Here is source:

Voting and Polling Places
Information for election officials make polling places accessible as well as for people with disabilities about how the ADA protects their right to vote.

One may find the need to have US citizens vote in the US elections - local or otherwise - a normal common sense requirement. That is how it is across the world.

But that (citizenship and residence in the city, and the need to monitor the ballot boxes) was enough to trigger the Democratic party California's Governor to push for a counter bill to wipe out the Huntington Beach' voter ID bill. So reach the arguments and statements from the liberals as they termed a bill asking for US citizens to vote and ballot boxes to be monitored as "controversial".

"The right to freely cast your vote is the foundation of our democracy, and Huntington Beach's voter ID policy [asking for US citizens to vote + Monitoring Ballot boxes] flies in the face of this principle." - California Attorney General Rob Bonta (parentheses added)

Say what?!

Source: Gavin Newsom Bans California From Requiring ID to Vote / Newsweek

Well, now the states that do not require a voter's ID are 15, including California and Hawaii.

Source: Map Shows Voter ID Laws by State / Newsweek

The trends are very clear.

America's states want to have an open voting system where there is no proof required for citizenship.

The best way to put it is that the powers of today want the United States to be an Open Source Republic. Anyone can become a voter. From around the world.

When these facts are placed next to the staggering numbers of illegal and how they are impacting the voting patterns in the most important US states, you get an insightful picture.

Yes, the largest American states are the chosen destinations. But even more worrisome for the current opposition is that the Swing states will become Blue because of illegal migration (or should that be called "invasion"?)

Source: "Illegal-immigration surge has cost these swing-state taxpayers billions, study says" / MarketWatch

Can non-US citizens get a Social Security Number? If not, then how can they be allowed to vote?

The only way that a non-US citizen can even get a Social Security Number (SSN) in the country is:

  1. Be legally present in the United States
  2. Have authorization to work from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Who call can get the SSN in the US?

  • Lawful permanent residents (green card holders)
  • Those with DHS work authorization (e.g., certain visa holders)
  • Refugees and asylees
  • Some nonimmigrants temporarily in the US for work or study

The concern is that the current stream of illegals into the US may be getting SSNs, as asserted by journalist Lara Logan. This is disputed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Source: Immigrants are not getting Social Security numbers at the U.S. border / Associated Press

What if they are allowed to be asylees at the processing centers?

Well, the process for that has been made easier. And no one wants to even have a discussion around it. Watch this interesting exchange during the Vice Presidential debate recently.

JD Vance said this before his mic was cut off when the journalists fact-checked him during the debate.

"Since you’re fact checking me, I think it’s important to say what’s actually going on. So there’s an application called the CBP One app where you can go on and apply for asylum or apply for parole and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand."

What is the CBP One App?

The CBP One app is a mobile application developed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to facilitate various travel, trade, and immigration processes. The app allows users to access various services, including scheduling appointments for non-essential travel, checking wait times, and applying for certain travel permits. One of its primary functions is to allow migrants to schedule appointments to present themselves at ports of entry for asylum processing.

Now take a listen.

Here is a video by Indian Bronson on X who actually shows how easy it is to register. In fact, you can basically skip most of the information and move on without any issues.

For someone who has gone through legal immigration to then become a US citizen, this seems like a hacked process given the scrutiny that we were subjected to.

The urgency to keep the non-US citizens on the voters' list is very apparent for the current administration.

For example, Alabama's Secretary of State Wes Allen started the effort to remove the non-citizens from the voters' roll. He started with people who had been issued the non-citizenship ID numbers by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

He asked for the latest list of all non-citizens residing in the US from the DHS, but that did not happen.

So he started by using the list he had with the provision where the people who had since become citizens to go in an update the information.

Source: Alabama's Secretary of State

Why is there such a hurry to not just bring in the illegals but to do away with the need to have the nation's citizenship in the voting process?

Let us look at another angle.

Demographic War against the Whites?

Over the past several decades, the growth rate of the White population in the United States has been steadily slowing down due to factors such as lower birth rates and an aging demographic.

In the last decade, this gradual slowdown shifted into a net decline, marking the first time in U.S. history that the White population has shrunk overall.

This decrease can be attributed to a combination of increased mortality rates among older generations, continued low fertility rates, and declining levels of immigration from predominantly White countries. At the same time, other racial and ethnic groups have seen significant population growth, reshaping the demographic landscape of the nation.

Source: Most Americans say the declining share of White people in the U.S. is neither good nor bad for society / Pew Research

Concurrently, various racial and ethnic groups across the country have experienced substantial increases in their populations. This demographic shift has been particularly notable among Hispanic, Asian, and multiracial communities.

As a result, the ethnic composition of the United States has undergone a significant transformation, leading to a more diverse and multicultural society.

These changes in population dynamics have had far-reaching effects on various aspects of American life, including social, economic, and political spheres, ultimately reshaping the demographic landscape of the nation in profound and lasting ways.

The highest growth is amongst Hispanics, then Asians, and then Blacks.

A bar chart showing that Hispanics made up more than half of total U.S. population growth from 2010 to 2022.
Source: Key facts about U.S. Latinos for National Hispanic Heritage Month / Pew Research

What does this mean for the United States as a whole?

The demographic shift in the United States is not primarily characterized by religious changes. However, it does involve significant denominational shifts within the broader religious landscape. Notably, there has been a gradual transition from a predominantly Protestant population to one where Catholicism has gained considerable influence, largely due to the influx of Hispanic immigrants.

This denominational transformation reflects the broader demographic changes occurring across the country, as various ethnic and racial groups, particularly those of Hispanic origin, continue to grow in numbers and cultural significance. While this shift does not necessarily indicate a fundamental change in religious beliefs, it does highlight the evolving nature of religious affiliation and practice within the increasingly diverse American population.

So is it all doom and gloom for the White people in the US?

If we look at the data for the fertility rates of women who aligned with the Conservative causes/values and Republican Party versus those who were aligned with the Liberal causes/values and Democratic Party from the 1970s through to today, we see how trends have changed.

During the 1970s, the fertility rates were roughly the same.

The fertility of conservative women over age 45 is at least 0.25 higher than that of liberal women. Conservative women have a higher number of kids than their liberal counterparts on average.

Source: Trendspotting: Conservatives Have More Babies Than Liberals / HedgeEye

This has a direct political impact.

You see, pro-Trump counties have 25% higher total fertility rates than most pro-Biden counties.

And this is called “fertility advantage”. It has been active since 2004.

Demographer Lyman Stone, who conducted this analysis, also examined earlier presidential elections while controlling for county racial and ethnic characteristics and population densities. He found that the Republicans’ so-called “fertility advantage” has been stable since at least 2004. (Source: Trendspotting: Conservatives Have More Babies Than Liberals / Hedgeye)

The correlation is strong.

Source: The Conservative Fertility Advantage / Institute for Family Studies

Here is a very interesting analysis by David Shor. Shor is a data scientist and political consultant known for his work in analyzing political polls and advising Democratic campaigns.

So his narrative is representative of the Democratic core thought.

Source: David Shor’s Postmortem of the 2020 Election / Intelligencer

Do you see where this is going?

The whole political battle is a Demographic War.

Let’s see it the way it is.

Yes, the Conservative women have a high fertility rate compared to the Liberal women. But by pushing the age when the values change to conservative from liberal has increased by around 10 years. So, even when the liberals are losing Blacks and Hispanics who are turning evangelical, they are reversing the impact by pushing the age when the youth “comes of age” ideologically.

With religion being central to the conservative/evangelical/pro-Trump audience, the demographic battle in America also becomes a religious one.

So when you see the urgency and the rather outrageous manner in which the Democratic party and its allied establishment groups led by the managerial class is bringing in the illegal immigrants, these facts on how the White population along with its religious and social underpinnings is working to stay relevant needs to be factored in.

Rush to Pander to the Illegals

The situation currently defies logic though - illegals from different backgrounds are brought in and given outrageous benefits from taxpayers' money.

Maine is spending $3.5 million to build apartments for illegal immigrants, where 60 families will live rent-free for two years. (Source: Real Clear Investigations)

Meanwhile, New York City did a massive $77 million emergency deal to house migrant families across 15 hotels in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. This enormous contract aims to provide temporary shelter for the influx of migrant families arriving in the city. They repurposed hotels as emergency shelters to enable that. (Source: Spectrum News)

The New York Times reported that roughly 135 of New York City’s nearly 680 hotels are housing illegal immigrants, a loss of 16,532 hotel rooms. (Source: WRE News) The city government was paying as high as $185 a night per room!

Also read this:

NYC hotels that converted into migrant shelters set to rake in over $1B in taxpayer funds: internal docs
According to an internal document obtained by The Post, of the 193 migrant shelters currently being used by the city, 153 are hotels or other commercial lodgings.

The illegal migrants are also being extended health coverage.

A growing number of states are opening taxpayer-funded health insurance programs to immigrants, including those living in the U.S. without authorization, even as Republicans assail President Joe Biden over a dramatic increase in illegal crossings of the southern border. Eleven states and Washington, D.C., together provide full health insurance coverage to more than 1 million low-income immigrants regardless of their legal status, according to state data compiled by KFF Health News. Most aren't authorized to live in the U.S., state officials say. Enrollment in these programs could nearly double by 2025 as at least seven states initiate or expand coverage. In January, Republican-controlled Utah will start covering children regardless of immigration status, while New York and California will widen eligibility to cover more adults. (Source: "More states extend health coverage to immigrants even as issue inflames GOP" / NPR)

Yes, even Republican governments in many states are allowing the health coverage on humanity argument. And you cannot argue against that.

However, this needs to be posited against the US citizens who are currently uninsured - over 27 million!

More than 8% of Americans did not have health insurance during the first months of 2024, according to new survey findings published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, breaking a streak of record-low uninsured rates following the COVID-19 pandemic. An estimated 27.1 million Americans of all ages were uninsured through March, according to the quarterly figures published Tuesday. The CDC publishes estimates on insurance coverage every three months based on results from the agency's National Health Interview Survey. (Source: CBS News)

All these things cost money.

Money that the taxpayers are providing.

When you bring in the impact of the diversion of funds for the illegals who are being admitted unchecked into the US on the normal average Americans then the ramifications seem sinister. Check this report on how despite denials and obfuscations, it is apparent that FEMA's Shelter and Services Program (SSP) diverted money to benefit the illegals via its partnership with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

FEMA Under Fire: Musk Exposes the Agency’s Response to Hurricane Helene’s Terrible Devastation
Devastation by Helene has been terrible. The worst hurricane since Katrina in 2005. Over 200 are dead, hundreds missing. And yet FEMA is playing its own games to deny Americans any relief.

All this while the American towns and villages are devastated and the death toll is over 220!

But who are the folks that are coming into the US in the guise of illegal migrants?

Gang Members and Criminals Brought in

Recently, the X platform was abuzz with information about how Venezuelan gangs were taking over apartment buildings in Colorado.

And Chicago.

The owner of the complex is selling his apartment buildings that were taken over by the Venezuelan gangs.

A Colorado landlord has agreed to sell a troubled apartment complex that was taken over by the violent Venezuelan migrant gang Tren de Aragua. Landlord Zev Baumgarten has been fighting with the Denver suburb of Aurora over the Aspen Grove after the city accused him of allowed it to become a trash-ridden, gang-infested hellhole, according to records obtained by the Denver Gazette.  Baumgarten is also the owner of another apartment complex where a viral video showed a crew of gun-toting thugs breaking into a unit, according to the Gazette. (Source: New York Post)

So what is really up here?

Well, for one, Venezuelans have been pouring into the US borders at a rapid pace.

Venezuelans became the largest nationality arrested for illegally crossing the U.S. border, replacing Mexicans for the first time on record, according to figures released Saturday that show September was the second-highest month for arrests of all nationalities. Venezuelans were arrested 54,833 times by the Border Patrol after entering from Mexico in September, more than double from 22,090 arrests in August and well above the previous monthly high of 33,749 arrests in September 2022. Arrests of all nationalities entering from Mexico totaled 218,763 in September, up 21% from 181,084 in August and approaching an all-time high of 222,018 in December 2022, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Arrests for the government's budget year that ended Sept. 30 topped 2 million for the second year in a row, down 7% from an all-time high of more than 2.2 million arrests in the same period a year earlier. (Source: Venezuelans become the largest nationality for illegal U.S. border crossings / Texas Public Radio)

Venezuela has meanwhile taken a significant step by halting the acceptance of flights carrying migrants deported from the United States and Mexico. This decision comes as a direct response to the reimposition of economic sanctions on Venezuela by Washington, sanctions that had previously been lifted. President Nicolás Maduro, in a move that underscores the growing tensions between the two nations, has explicitly refused to cooperate with deportation requests from these countries.

Venezuela reportedly scraps US deal to deport illegal migrants as some commit crimes to be deported
Venezuela has halted the United States from deporting illegal migrants back to their home country, in a blow to President Joe Biden’s immigration efforts ahead of the election

Senator Marco Rubio has shared his fear about violent gang members from Latin America pouring into the US without much of a check. Rubio is himself a Latino.

And what Rubio says is borne out in facts as well. The US law enforcement agencies are worried.

U.S. law enforcement and immigration officials have launched more than 100 investigations of crimes tied to suspected members of a violent Venezuelan gang, including sex trafficking in Louisiana and the point-blank shooting of two New York City police officers, according to two Department of Homeland Security officials. The cases involving the Tren de Aragua gang show how hard it is for U.S. border agents to vet the criminal backgrounds of migrants from countries like Venezuela that won’t give the U.S. any help. More than 330,000 Venezuelans crossed the U.S. border last year, according to Customs and Border Protection data, and Venezuela, like Cuba, China and a handful of other countries, doesn’t provide any criminal history information to U.S. officials. (Source: 'Ghost criminals': How Venezuelan gang members are slipping into the U.S. / NBC)

When illegals from one country suddenly shoot up versus all others and you find that members of one of the most dreaded and notorious gangs from that country are part of those illegals, then you ought to sit back and reflect.

What is this Tren de Aragua?

Tren de Aragua is a notorious transnational criminal organization that originated in Venezuela. It has become one of the most feared gangs in Latin America due to its extensive reach and violent activities.

Its main strength? Human Trafficking.

The group focuses on human smuggling and other criminal activity that targets migrants, such as kidnapping, extortion, and drug trafficking. (Source: Texas Tribune)

That fits nicely into the whole illegals migrant business, doesn't it?

Mind you, illegal migration is a very profitable business.

Here is a quick brief on how gangs operating in Europe - bringing over illegals from Africa or the Middle East and Latin America - are making their money.

Willy is one example of how the Sicilian mafia has turned Europe’s refugee crisis to its financial advantage. The Sicilian mafia are making millions from taking advantage of migrants and refugees, organizing their journeys from North Africa to Europe, embezzling funds provided for their welfare in camps in Sicily and then using some of them as prostitutes and drug dealers, police and prosecutors have revealed to TIME. (Source: How the Mafia Make Millions Out of the Plight of Migrants / Time)

And this collusion of the American agencies, specifically associated with intelligence and security, with the drug or trafficking mafia is not a recent phenomenon. It has been an old mechanism. Read this review of Gary Webb's book "Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion" by Glenn Garvin for Reason magazine in 1999.

Source: Hooked on Fantasies by Glenn Garvin / Reason

You can read the full article in this pdf.

So you see how illegals are being allowed in to the country even if that means diverting funds from US citizens to help the illegals or having the gangs take over residential complexes?

But if it was just this kind of activity, the US citizens could have pushed back on such politics. Things go beyond that.

To the point of taking away the freedom to free speech. The FIRST AMENDMENT!

Abrogating First Amendment by Stealth?

In a recent interview, former Presidential candidate and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton reiterated how social media companies should be monitored and managed. She wanted to institute moderation standards on them.


All this talk of "moderation of content" may sound very great, but one has to see what is behind all this in reality.

And the dirty details of the game behind this Moderation and Fact-checking actions came out with the Twitter Files.

The Twitter Files, a collection of internal documents and communications released by Twitter's new owner, Elon Musk, have exposed a web of collusion between the Democratic Party, intelligence agencies, and social media companies.

These files reveal a disturbing pattern of censorship, propaganda, and manipulation of public opinion, all aimed at influencing the outcome of elections and shaping the national narrative.

Here is a complete list for you to peruse.

Complete List of Twitter Files

  1. Twitter Files Part 1: December 2, 2022, by @mtaibbi - TWITTER AND THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY: Recounting the internal drama at Twitter surrounding the decision to block access to a New York Post exposé on Hunter Biden in October 2020.
  2. Twitter Files Part 2, by @BariWeiss, December 8, 2022 - TWITTER’S SECRET BLACKLISTS: Bari Weiss gives a long-awaited answer to the question, “Was Twitter shadow-banning people?” It did, only the company calls it “visibility filtering.” Twitter also had a separate, higher council called SIP-PES that decided cases for high-visibility, controversial accounts.
  3. Twitter Files, Part 3, by @mtaibbi, December 9, 2022 - THE REMOVAL OF DONALD TRUMP, October 2020 - January 6th, 2021: First in a three-part series looking at how Twitter came to the decision to suspend Donald Trump. The idea behind the series is to show how all of Twitter’s “visibility filtering” tools were on display and deployed after January 6th, 2021.
  4. Twitter Files Part 4, by @ShellenbergerMD, December 10, 2022 - THE REMOVAL OF DONALD TRUMP, January 7th, 2021: This thread by Michael Shellenberger looks at the key day after the J6 riots and before Trump would ultimately be banned from Twitter on January 8th, showing how Twitter internally reconfigured its rules to make a Trump ban fit their policies.
  5. Twitter Files Part 5, by @BariWeiss, December 11, 2022 - THE REMOVAL OF DONALD TRUMP, January 8th, 2021: As angry as many inside Twitter were with Donald Trump after the January 6th Capitol riots, staffers struggled to suspend his account, saying things like, “I think we’d have a hard time saying this is incitement.” As documented by Weiss, they found a way to pull the trigger anyway.
  6. Twitter Files Part 6, by @mtaibbi, December 16, 2022 - TWITTER, THE FBI SUBSIDIARY: Twitter’s contact with the FBI was “constant and pervasive,” as FBI personnel, mainly in the San Francisco field office, regularly sent lists of “reports” to Twitter, often about Americans with low follower counts making joke tweets. Tweeters on both the left and the right were affected.
  7. Twitter Files Part 7, by @ShellenbergerMD, December 19, 2022 - THE FBI AND HUNTER BIDEN’S LAPTOP: The Twitter Files story increases its focus on the company’s relationship to federal law enforcement and intelligence, and shows intense communication between the FBI and Twitter just before the release of the Post’s Hunter Biden story.
  8. Twitter Files Part 8, by @lhfang, December 20 2022 - HOW TWITTER AIDED PENTAGON'S COVERT ONLINE PSYOP CAMPAIGN: Despite public assurances, Twitter 1.0 secretly supported and protected a branch of the US military involved in psychological influence operations in some cases.
  9. Twitter Files Part 9 by @mtaibbi, December 24 2022 - TWITTER AND "OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES": The FBI had responded to Twitter Files 7, challenging certain aspects of the framing and reporting. Taibbi has replied to the FBI's communication and press releases, and has additionally shared internal documents pertaining to correspondence between the FBI and "other government agency.”
  10. Twitter Files Part 10, by @davidzweig, December 26 2022 - THE TWITTER FILES: HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE: Twitter did so (1) By censoring info that was true but inconvenient to U.S. govt. policy, (2) By discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed, (3) By suppressing ordinary users, including some sharing the CDC’s *own data*
  11. Twitter Files Part 11, by @mtaibbi, January 3 2023 - HOW TWITTER LET THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY IN: Twitter 1.0 addressed a governmental inquiry about certain Russian-linked accounts, intending to divert the attention of the government and the press towards rival Facebook.
  12. Twitter Files Part 12 by @mtaibbi, January 3 2023 - TWITTER AND THE FBI "BELLY BUTTON": Twitter 1.0 made a concerted effort to refrain from acting on moderation requests from the State Department. Eventually, it did permit the State Department to contact them through the FBI, which FBI agent Chan refers to as the "belly button" of the United States government.
  13. Twitter Files Part 13 by @AlexBerenson, January 9 2023 - TWITTER AND SUPPRESSION OF COVID-VACCINE DEBATE: Scott Gottlieb, a Pfizer board member, used his influence to suppress debate on COVID vaccines, including from the head of the FDA. Twitter 1.0 frets about the damage the effectiveness of natural immunity might have on vaccine uptake, and Twitter slaps a label on a key tweet former FDA commissioner Brett Giroir’s tweet touting the strength of natural immunity.
  14. Twitter Files Part 14 by @mtaibbi, January 12 2023- THE RUSSIAGATE LIES: Republican Congressman Devin Nunes submitted a classified memo listing FBI abuses in surveillance approval of Trump-connected figures. #ReleaseTheMemo trended, but Democrats attempted to discredit it as Russian-originated. The Justice Department later verified Nunes' assertions. Twitter executives knew the fraudulent nature of the Hamilton 68 Dashboard but did not discredit it, allowing the sham to continue.
  15. Twitter Files Part 15 by @mtaibbi, January 27 2023 - MOVE OVER, JAYSON BLAIR: TWITTER FILES EXPOSE NEXT GREAT MEDIA FRAUD: This discussion focused on the Hamilton 68 dashboard mentioned in TwitterFiles 14. In October 2017, Twitter became aware that the dashboard was simply pulling tweets from a curated list of approximately 650 accounts. Twitter also knew that only a small number of those accounts were actually Russian. It was known that the media and Democrat officials were considering the Hamilton 68 Dashboard to be credible in some way. Despite Twitter executive Yoel Roth's attempts to raise concerns internally about the tool's integrity, his concerns were disregarded within Twitter, and Twitter 1.0 never directly discredited the tool or provided an explanation of how it operated.
  16. Twitter Files Part 16 by @mtaibbi - COMIC INTERLUDE: A MEDIA EXPERIMENT: Matt Taibbi points out the lack of mainstream media coverage on damaging TwitterFiles revelations about the Democrats. However, they did publish numerous stories about Trump's request to remove Chrissy Tiegen from the platform. New revelations show that Maine Senator Angus King (D) called for the suspension of several accounts for questionable reasons, and Representative Adam Smith (D)'s staff requested to stop all search results related to specific keywords. Taibbi highlights how the mainstream media completely ignored the Schiff requests and what it reveals about the risks to the First Amendment posed by government-big-tech cooperation.
  17. Twitter Files Part 17 by @mtaibbi - NEW KNOWLEDGE, THE GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT CENTER, AND STATE SPONSORED BLACKLISTS: In this report, Matt Taibbi discusses an initiative by "DFRLab," an organization funded by the "Global Engagement Center," a lesser-known division of the US federal government, to remove a number of individuals from online platforms. The GEC/DFRLab sought to deplatform over 40,000 people by claiming that they were either "paid employees or possibly volunteers" of India's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), although the list included many ordinary Americans. Taibbi describes these requests as "State Sponsored Blacklists," and based on the shared data, it's difficult to argue against this thought-provoking label. While the GEC denies using US tax dollars to target American citizens for deplatforming, the list clearly included Americans. In his analysis, Taibbi delves into the specifics of these requests, and the resulting internal discussions, and encourages readers to consider what these requests imply about government attitudes towards free speech, as well as the potential "weaponization" of the term "disinformation" for political purposes.
  18. Twitter Files Part 18 by @mtaibbi - STATEMENT TO CONGRESS - THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: Matt shared the statement to Congress on various topics.
  19. Twitter Files Part 19 by @mtaibbi - THE GREAT COVID-19 LIE MACHINE: The combination of Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories” was detailed. The Stanford Virality Project (VP) was involved in the flagging and push-to-censor several threads and accounts writing “true but inconvenient to the narrative” stories surrounding COVID-19, such as the strength of natural immunity, the fact that the vaccination does not stop the spread, or the existence actual, true adverse vaccination side-effects. All of this with full support from within the US government. 
  20. Twitter Files Part 20 by @NAffects - THE INFORMATION CARTELS: In this set of Twitter Files, Andrew Lowenthal from Digital Civil Liberties explores the complex landscape of information monitoring, censorship, and suppression on the web. He sheds light on the collaborative efforts between big tech companies, NGOs, and the government, and highlights the irony that those who label content as "disinformation" often contribute to its spread in significant ways.

This resulted in many things that can be summarized in these four consequences.

  1. Manipulate narrative
  2. Silence Democratic critics
  3. Cancel People
  4. Create Fake stories

At the center of this scandal was the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which, according to the Twitter Files, worked closely with Twitter and other social media platforms to suppress conservative voices and promote liberal content.

Modus Operandi was very simple - The DNC would regularly flag posts and accounts for review, often resulting in suspension or termination. This was done under the guise of combating "misinformation" and "hate speech," but in reality, it was a thinly veiled attempt to silence dissenting voices.

The intelligence agencies, particularly the FBI, also played a significant role in this collusion. The Twitter Files reveal that the FBI would regularly meet with Twitter executives to discuss "election security" and "foreign influence" operations. However, these meetings often devolved into discussions about suppressing specific accounts and content, with the FBI providing lists of "suspicious" accounts for Twitter to review.

Social media companies, including Twitter, were more than happy to oblige these requests. They would often take down content and suspend accounts without providing adequate reasoning or justification. This created a culture of fear and self-censorship, where users felt hesitant to express themselves freely, lest they incur the wrath of the Twitter gods.

One of the most egregious examples of this collusion is the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story. In October 2020, the New York Post published a series of articles detailing the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop, which included compromising emails and photos. However, Twitter quickly sprang into action, blocking users from sharing the story and suspending accounts that posted about it. The company claimed that the story was "hacked material," but in reality, it was an attempt to shield the Biden campaign from negative publicity.

The Twitter Files also reveal that Twitter's content moderation policies were heavily influenced by the DNC and intelligence agencies. The company's " Trust and Safety" team would regularly consult with these entities to determine what types of content were "acceptable" and what types were not. This led to a biased and inconsistent moderation policy, where conservative voices were disproportionately targeted and silenced.

One needs to fully understand this "Trust and Safety" business in the tech companies.

There is a revolving door that feeds it.

You will see that departments of "Trust and Safety" and areas of "misinformation" within Google and Meta (Facebook parent) are staffed by ex-CIA agents.

Source: National Security search engine: Google’s ranks are filled with CIA agents and Meet the Ex-CIA Agents Deciding Facebook’s Content Policy

If it was one or two, one could dismiss it. The scenario is almost as if - being an ex-CIA is a pre-requisite for such a job role!

All this with the aim to benefit one party in the country! As the Twitter Files amply showed.

What Hillary has said most recently has been reiterated by the Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris as well.

Here she was talking about Elon Musk who has opened up X to every conversation and does not work with the DNC and the intelligence apparatus to censor free speech.

"They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop.”

She was not happy that her opponent had access to any platform. If she had her way, she would censor and block Trump from speaking!


Where does this take the Americans?

An assault on their First Amendment right of free speech.

Now, the DNC leaders - like John Kerry, who ran for President - are suggesting that the First Amendment right is not as sacred as the Americans believed it was.


Which is absurd!

That is exactly what makes the US a democracy.

Which is what Elon Musk shares in this clip. He also lays out the consequences of curtailing and banning free speech.


Because Elon Musk acquired Twitter and the subsequent release of the Twitter Files and now his stand on Free Speech, he is the target of media aligned with the DNC-linked state machinery.

Watch how CNN unleashes its wrath on Musk. What is interesting is the dismissive way in which the second journalist discusses the assassination attempt on ex-President Donald Trump. That would have been a strict no for any other President of the US.


When all this is happening why aren't enough people speaking up?

Well, some have begun to.

A journalist MC Armstrong wrote a heartfelt message on how he now admires Donald Trump and why this coming election is critical to the survival of this country.

He knew this action would be suicidal for his career but it was still something that he needed to do.

Worse, in one of his exchanges, he reveals signs of a tyrannical scenario being unleashed across the nation. People, specifically journalists, are afraid to talk. Lest they are canceled or even worse - hounded by the IRS or Intelligence?

Read this letter.

Source: MC Armstrong / X Post

One of the most successful investors and tech founders - Naval Ravikant - puts it brilliantly.

That is what the US is up against.

One-Party Authoritarian State

While the mainstream Western media is busy painting Republican Party under Trump as being authoritarian - check Wired / The Guardian / Washington Post - facts from Twitter Files and the current actions of the Democratic administration reveal that Democracy and a Republic as we know the United States is under threat.

What is a One-Party State and what are the ramifications?

A one-party state, single-party state, one-party system or single-party system is a governance structure in which only a single political party controls the ruling system. In a one-party state, all opposition parties are either outlawed or enjoy limited and controlled participation in elections.

If you look at California's history, you can safely say that it is a One-Party State now.

Source: Ballotpedia

When this level and kind of control is facilitated by the federal agencies and the intelligence groups within the US, then it becomes serious.

Listen to this very interesting conversation that the Indian podcaster Ranveer Allahabadi has with Balaji Srinivasan. We pick up the conversation from the point where he discusses the Republican and Democrats political dynamics.

The Last Real Election

If this establishment or the managerial class, as Vivek Ramaswamy calls it, has its way, this may very well be the last real election in US history.

  1. There would be enough illegal in all the Swing states to carry one party through to victory
  2. They will have enough teeth via control of the Senate and House to make the changes to the US Constitution - even to curtail the First Amendment as Kerry wistfully imagined would be ideal
  3. Life of the US Citizens would be unbearable - paying full taxes but receiving nothing but apathy in return
  4. Finally creation of a One-Party state that is inherently authoritarian in nature.

Yes, election may be held in the US, but they would be as fair as the ones in Pakistan. You can vote for anyone as long as you vote for the guys that the establishment allows you to.

It is imperative that the Americans go out to vote.

Here is a link to register one's self.

Elections Portal

The influx of Illegals and attacks on the First Amendment along with rampant censorship suggest that not only is demography being altered at scale but fundamental rights are being curbed rapidly in the US. There wouldn't be democracy left to save!

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