Sacralization of Outrage and How to Break Free
When rage is combined with religious and ideological absolutism, avenues of freedoms vanish. Dissent is met with ruthless subjugation and every atrocity is covered up by ambivalence. Let's deep dive.
Geostrategic engagements of Indian PM Modi and his cabinet suggest that India's actions are striking at the very root of the Deep State. That is why everyone from George Soros to his plant Donald Lu are busy planning. A deeper look.
Sometimes, we get leaders who are not content to simply survive. They have dreams and objectives that rival those of the gods themselves.
They want to transform the very root of humanity in its present form.
If wars are happening, they want to uproot the evil at its most fundamental level.
That takes tremendous discipline, courage, visionary foresight, and above all the ability to survive against all odds.
We are witnessing that very scenario as we speak.
There is a battle ensuing.
Between the Capitol and Panem - to take the analogy from the Hunger Games. Between the Deep State and the Rest of the World.
Will humanity survive?
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A lot is going on in the diplomatic and geostrategic channels in India lately. Not just in the meetings that Indian PM Narendra Modi and his trusted lieutenants are having with the foreign dignitaries but also in the kind of engagement they are doing.
The most pivotal is the engagement with Russia and Ukraine. First, by PM Modi and then by the Indian NSA Doval.
Mr. Doval began his meeting with the Russian President by telling him about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Kyiv and meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on August 23. The talks are significant as calls have increased from other countries in Europe calling for India to step up efforts at a peace process. Thus far, Indian officials have not made a structured peace proposal or offered explicitly to host a summit but have said India is happy to convey messages between the two leaders in the absence of direct talks, and support efforts to de-escalate the conflict. Mr. Modi and Mr. Zelenskyy will be in New York for the UN Summit of the Future later this month, and officials said the leaders could hold another meeting there. “Prime Minister [Modi] wanted me to come specially and personally to brief you about the talks [held in Ukraine]. The talks were held in a very closed format… and I was one of the [officials] attending the meeting,” Mr. Doval said, in comments that were broadcast on official media, also confirming that Mr. Modi will attend the BRICS summit to be held in Kazan on October 22-24. Mr. Putin “stressed the importance of security issues in bilateral relations”, an official readout from the Kremlin said, adding that the Russian President thanked India for “maintaining dialogue in this area”. Mr. Putin also proposed a bilateral meeting with Mr. Modi on October 22, on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit in Kazan, in which the two leaders would speak about the implementation of agreements, mainly on trade and economics, that were signed during Mr. Modi’s last visit to Moscow in July. (Source: NSA Ajit Doval’s dual diplomatic mission: meets Putin, Chinese FM Wang in St. Petersburg / The Hindu)
Now, let's take a look at the dates and you will see that something far bigger is going on than we imagine.
That is not all. Things have become extremely interesting between India and China.
On September 9th, 2024, the Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece, Global Times published an article critical of the Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar.
Palki Sharma, as had others, criticized this extremely hate-filled article.
Well, it was almost as if on cue, a strange thing happened. The article is no longer available.
It was taken down. An editorial error? Or a tactical geopolitical retreat?
China and India have suddenly started working together - ostensibly with prodding from Russia - to end the border issues in order to focus on something larger.
Is it a reflection of the economic reality that we see today? These are the top 9 fastest growing economies in the world today.
In all these, India is the ONLY large major economy. The rest are smaller countries.
Do you see a prominent absentee?
You see, the world is achanging!
It is in this light you should evaluate the sudden falling back by the Chinese mouthpiece - something that China analysts have never seen before - and the statements that have come out from Wang Yi and others on the border dispute.
Let's get back to the Indo-Chinese border discussion.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry's statement indicates progress in de-escalating tensions along the India-China border in Eastern Ladakh. By announcing troop withdrawals from four locations, including the contentious Galwan Valley, China is signaling a willingness to ease the military standoff that began in May 2020.
A press release on the talks issued by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said India and China on Thursday (September 12, 2024) agreed to work with "urgency" and "redouble" their efforts to achieve complete disengagement in the remaining friction points in eastern Ladakh. (Source: Wang Yi, Ajit Doval agree to work for improvement of bilateral ties: Chinese Foreign Ministry / The Hindu)
This development aligns with Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar's recent statement that about 75% of disengagement issues have been resolved.
A day after External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that about 75 per cent of the “disengagement problems” with China have been sorted out, the Chinese Foreign ministry Friday said that the troops have disengaged at four places in Eastern Ladakh, including Galwan Valley. (Source: Disengaged at four places in Eastern Ladakh, situation stable, says China / Indian Express)
The ministry also emphasized that during the meeting between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval in Russia, both sides agreed to work towards improving bilateral relations.
This clearly suggests a diplomatic effort to rebuild ties strained by the border conflict.
Live to fight another day?
Now, before we go any further, let us watch a clip from the US President's debate between former President Trump and VP Kamala Harris concerning their take on the Russia-Ukraine war.
Contrast Trump's argument in the beginning with Kamala Harris' statement. Here are her words:
Now, listen.
While Trump is interested in bringing the war to an end, the ABC anchor is prodding on how to "win the war" as is what Kamala Harris is talking about.
A country that couldn't even win the war in Afghanistan by sending its own boots on the ground (United States) is now talking of winning a war against much mightier Russia by using Ukrainians as canon fodder.
You know something is terribly wrong.
Harris is basically just parroting the agenda and talking points of the Military Industrial Complex.
They are the ones who hold the keys to any wars that the US participates in. They are not there to win the wars. They are in it to make profits.
But, collectively, that is the kind of collective karma that the Americans are trying to accumulate. To survive themselves they are content to destroy every other normally functioning society!
One needs to carefully look at the state of the US economy. Here is a quick pointer.
In the state in which the economy is today, there is no way the US economy can even survive unless the US establishment aligned to the military-industrial complex goes and destroys another country. Essentially, another society that is peacefully going about its own business.
And, that is also the most fundamental message of Kamala Harris and her puppet masters in the Military Industrial Complex.
And just because we are outsourcing that mass murder out to those ruthless savages does not absolve us of all of our "outsourced but wretched karma". We are facilitating it by being ignorant or deliberately practicing naivete.
This whole war-backed establishment or the Deep State is alive because of their shenanigans where they use other people's lives to profit off of.
How much are we talking about?
Close to $350 Trillion!
That is how much has gone from normal taxpayer's pockets to the Deep State comprising of the military-industrial complex along with their political masters!
A quick calculation shows that over the period from 1947-2020, a total of $345 trillion was spent on the military. (Source: Examining The Military Industrial-Cultural Complex /Brown Political Review)
What do you make of it?
In a way, this can be considered the greatest wealth transfer in human history!
Does it mean anything for the normal tax-paying American citizens?
The devastating impact of this redistribution of wealth on ordinary Americans was underscored by the research done by the RAND Corporation in a very granular manner. A person who is earning $35,000/year today should have been earning $61,000/year and one who is earning $72,000 would have made $135,000 - had the redistribution not happened and America was really as fair as its elites pretend it is!
For example, are you a typical Black man earning $35,000 a year? You are being paid at least $26,000 a year less than you would have had income distributions held constant. Are you a college-educated, prime-aged, full-time worker earning $72,000? Depending on the inflation index used (PCE or CPI, respectively), rising inequality is costing you between $48,000 and $63,000 a year. But whatever your race, gender, educational attainment, urbanicity, or income, the data show, if you earn below the 90th percentile, the relentlessly upward redistribution of income since 1975 is coming out of your pocket. (Source: The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure / Time Magazine)
You see how sick the situation is?
It is not as if killing Ukrainians (or Afghans, or Iraqis or Libyans earlier) would make Americans richer.
It would make even the Americans poorer!
Only a few in the elite group richer.
That is what Kamala Harris is pointing to with the list of arms that her regime provided to the Ukraine and will keep doing so. All essentially a coded message of how that huge wealth transfer we just discussed will keep going on.
And, that painting Putin as a villain and how he would be sitting in Kiev if Donald Trump was the President? That is a classic fear-mongering that every authoritarian ruler uses to keep their own throne in place!
The fact of the matter is that it was NOT Putin who started the Ukraine war. It was the United States.
Watch this short clip (he has discussed it in far greater detail in other talks like these - Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? | The causes and consequences of the Ukraine war) by University of Chicago Prof. John Mearsheimer
Voices like those of Prof. John Mearsheimer's have been silenced in the United States.
Once a national villain has been carefully curated by the military-industrial complex-backed media and political class, it is thereafter an act of blasphemy to even say that tangentially makes an argument otherwise.
Such is a way of the establishment in arguably the country which prides itself as the champion of freedoms.
Read this.
You see Villain Curation process by the US (and its sidekicks in Europe) is a perfected art!
Here is what happened in the case of Libya.
Where does it all lead to?
In such a scenario a war, any war that is enabled and orchestrated by the Western Deep State (aka Military-Industrial Complex and its allies) is a means to perpetrate that cunning and wretched cabal.
A cabal that Harris apparently seems to be defending.
For all his misgivings, Trump was one of the rarest US Presidents in the recent history, in whose period no war was initiated by the US.
That alone makes him one of the best President choices when it comes for the safety of societies around the world.
Specifically, as it came right after a President who was trigger-happy.
Some will argue that he reduced the US troops drastically but that needs context.
He replaced the US troops with mercenaries.
Interesting how he gave a push to the military-industrial complex while keeping the warm hearth of the wars and human sacrifice on.
The hearth of human sacrifice needs to keep burning. For, enough profit cannot be made from living societies.
So when you see the movements and work of the Indian establishment, that is how it needs to be evaluated.
Here is a fact.
In a world where the United States has a Deep State that can bully but not a leader who can lead, the world of diplomacy is out there for the people who know how to use careful maneuvering to counter "in-your-face bullying".
You can dethrone a Sheikh Hasina through the Deep State. But you cannot make friends.
If a hammer is all you have, then everything is a nail for you. You don't have any other tool in your toolbox.
That is where the Deep State of the United States is the most vulnerable.
They cannot prop a "leader" when they carefully crafted a President who ought to have been in a hospice being cared for!
Their future choice has been picked out for the same features. When she actually ran for President in the Democratic primaries in 2020, she went from being the "Female Obama" to an also-ran because of a little questioning session from the then Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.
Harris’ twin blunders started the precipitous drop in polls that she hasn’t recovered from. And it led to her disastrous showing in the second debate, where she responded halfheartedly after absorbing body blows about her prosecutorial record from the low-polling Tulsi Gabbard. The Hawaii congresswoman broadsided Harris with a slew of criticisms—accusing her of jailing 1,500 people for marijuana crimes; of blocking evidence that would have freed an innocent man until a court stepped in; of keeping people behind bars beyond their sentences to use as cheap labor and opposing bail reform. The claims mostly lacked context or were misleading. (Source: How Kamala Harris Went From ‘Female Obama’ to Fifth Place / Politico)
Those 40 seconds of truth bombs from Tulsi Gabbard on Kamala Harris brought down the carefully crafted veneer of Kamala Harris. She was suddenly nowhere!
From double digits, she fell to single digits even in her own home state.
With such a weak personality now at the top, the scenario of a "Headless America" will continue to be a reality for the next 4 years if Trump loses to Harris.
While Deep State will be on, the Leader of the biggest power on the planet will be all but missing from the leadership.
Leaderless - at least overtly (though there is at least an oligarchy which controls the reigns of the country behind the scenes) - the United States' establishment pushes on.
In his recent visit to the United States, "Leader of Opposition" Rahul Gandhi met with Donald Lu - the man who is called the Regime Change orchestrator and played a significant role in Bangladesh in the ouster of Sheikh Hasina and removal of Imran Khan from Pakistan as well.
The cypher gate blew up when someone in Pakistan exposed the cable.
The text of the Pakistani cable, produced from the meeting by the ambassador and transmitted to Pakistan, has not previously been published. The cable, known internally as a “cypher,” reveals both the carrots and the sticks that the State Department deployed in its push against Khan, promising warmer relations if Khan was removed, and isolation if he was not. The document, labeled “Secret,” includes an account of the meeting between State Department officials, including Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu, and Asad Majeed Khan, who at the time was Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S. (Source: Secret Pakistan Cable Documents U.S. Pressure to Remove Imran Khan / The Intercept)
Columbia University's Professor Jeffrey Sachs wrote about the Cable-gate and discussed how Imran Khan's decision to meet Vladimir Putin was being seen as a strike against Pakistan in the eyes of the US establishment. They wanted Pakistan to vote against Russia.
Just for that, he was taken out of the equation!
That is how ruthless they are.
But it was not just Bangladesh or Pakistan that Donald Lu has worked on when it comes to regime change operations that suit the cabal which has Soros at its core.
He was the guy who orchestrated things in Albania as well to install a government that had blood on its hands.
But Albania was not the only country in Europe that Soros subverted. You see, George Soros has been trying to undermine the people and the governments he hates for a long time.
Simultaneously, he labelled left-wing Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama “George Soros’ primary investment in Albania and the Balkans.” As BIRN previously reported, an anti-Soros campaign is growing across the Balkans, as organisations financed or perceived to be linked to the US billionaire are increasingly coming under attack. The name Soros crops up frequently in Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia in campaigns against independent NGOs, journalists and government critics, and in connection with alleged plans to bring down governments and destabilise countries. Soros’s Open Society Foundation has come under pressure in Albania over its support for judicial reforms that are currently underway. (Source: "Albanian Opposition Leader Claims to be Soros Target" / Balkan Insight)
Soros has been investing millions in increasing his influence in the Balkan states since 1993!
The Soviet Union collapsed in December 1991.
On December 25, 1991, the Soviet hammer and sickle flag lowered for the last time over the Kremlin, thereafter replaced by the Russian tricolor. Earlier in the day, Mikhail Gorbachev resigned his post as president of the Soviet Union, leaving Boris Yeltsin as president of the newly independent Russian state. (Source: The Collapse of the Soviet Union / Office of the Historian US State)
From that very time, the takeover of the ex-Soviet territories had been planned. With George Soros in lead.
Donald Lu has been a personal favorite of George Soros for a long time. And he has made his rounds in the ex-Soviet states as an ambassador.
Liberal billionaire George Soros's nonprofit spent more on lobbying during the second quarter of 2018 than he has in any previous quarter, disclosure forms show. The Open Society Policy Center, a Washington, D.C.-based 501(c)(4) nonprofit that deals with domestic and international advocacy efforts that is a separate entity from Soros's Open Society Foundations, reported spending $10.37 million between April 1 and June 30—an increase of nearly $8 million from the first quarter of the year when the center reported spending $2.52 million on its lobbying efforts. The increase in its lobbying activities can be attributed to the group adding a number of issues related to the nomination of Donald Lu as the U.S. Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan and the nomination of David B. Cornstein as U.S. Ambassador to Hungary, where Soros was born. (Source: "George Soros Spent $10.37 Million Lobbying During Second Quarter" / Free Beacon)
That is who Donald Lu is. So when we talk about the American Deep State which encapsulates the cabal that subverts other governments and societies for profit and entertainment, then we need to take the work of George Soros and Donald Lu seriously.
That Soros has such a strong influence on the US foreign policy is not a conjecture. It has been confirmed by top officials of the American establishment.
American foreign policy runs in tandem with George Soros's "foreign policy".
As for Rahul Gandhi and Soros, on this trip to the US, he was accompanied by Amrit Singh, Director of Accountability, Liberty and Transparency of Open Society Justice Initiative. By the way, Amrit Singh is an ex-Indian PM Manmohan Singh's daughter.
Hi #RaulVinci. Where were you travelling with Amrit Singh, Director, Accountability, Liberty and Transparency of Open Society Justice Initiative - a project funded by George Soros?
— Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury (@salah_shoaib) September 8, 2024
Now, Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate (known as an abusive TV speaker) has - as is expected - tried to deflect the "controversy" by suggesting that the lady with Rahul Gandhi was instead Rahul Gandhi’s childhood friend Amitabh Dubey's wife Amulya Gopalakrishnan.
An assertion by the official Congress handle that the dutiful Indian media picked up without counter while presenting the Congress narrative as "fact check". See articles by ThePrint and ABP. The latter - ABP - triumphantly shows its proof to "nail the lie" about Amrit Singh vs Amulya Gopalakrishnan.
Check for yourself and decide.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED).
In his recent disastrous visit to the US by Rahul Gandhi, where he was hosted by people related to Pakistani intelligence, and where Gandhi's team beat up an Indian journalist for asking a regular question about Bangladesh (How I was assaulted by Rahul Gandhi's team in Dallas, Texas / India Today), Rahul Gandhi also met Donald Lu.
In that meeting, apart from Lu - Congressmen and women like Ro Khanna and Ilhan Omar - two American lawmakers with a long history of collaborating with the Pakistani establishment on their actions and narrative against India were also present. Other Congress members present there were - US Congress members Jonathan Jackson, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Barbara Lee, Shri Thanedar, Jesus G “Chuy” Garcia, Hank Johnson, and Jan Schakowsky.
When asked, the US government brushed the visit aside.
But that is not enough.
Donald Lu is in India as well to follow up on his meeting with Rahul Gandhi in the US.
Maura Moynihan, a New York-based journalist and author, asks an interesting question - after the constantly antagonistic stance by Eric Garcetti and Donald Lu against the Modi Government's foreign policy, what is the purpose of Lu's India visit?
Indeed, think of that question from Moynihan again - "What is Donald Lu's purpose?"
Wouldn't you have already lost all relationship capital with that leader and his administration by being so openly antagonistic to India and its ruling administration?
The goal of the US administration is quite clear - they do not want a Modi-led India.
In other words, they do not want a government in India that is based on the verdict of the Indian people.
That is not just an affront to Modi and his government but more than that to the independence and freedoms of the Indian people.
Now, let us go back to the original story of the strange set of visits by Modi and his cabinet.
First things first - a country that prides itself on being a country of immigrants - the best from their countries coming into the US - has no idea how many illegal (or undocumented 'immigrants') it has.
Pew Research has one set of numbers:
The Pew Research Center, which provides regular updates on immigration statistics — based in part on ACS numbers — estimated last year that the undocumented population dropped to 11.3 million from a high of 12.2 million. (Source: Yale, MIT study: 22 million, not 11 million, undocumented immigrants in US / The Hill)
Well, per Yale and MIT it could be double that number. So it is anybody's guess! Would that have even made sense a few decades back?
Here is a report by the US House Committee on the Judiciary and Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.
These graphs from that report and the Pew Research study on unauthorized immigrants are very instructive.
The number of unauthorized immigrants is 50% of that of legal immigrants.
The number of illegals coming into the US in the last few years is alarming. But the nature of folks coming in is what should make everyone sit up!
"China is likely using the chaotic conditions on the southern border to insert military personnel into the U.S., the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee," Mark Green, said. He said that "among the large number of Chinese migrants who have rushed the border since President Biden took office are people with 'known ties to the PLA – the People's Liberation Army" ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. He said, "We have no idea who these people are, and it's very likely, using Russia's template of sending military personnel into Ukraine, China is doing the same in the United States"
Given the numbers and how the Chinese immigrants are coming in - able-bodied young Chinese men of military age without wives or children - things point to something very disturbing.
An unbridled invasion?
Guess what? 55,000 Chinese illegals have entered the US via Mexico since 2023.
55,000 illegals from a country that keeps an extremely close tab on people leaving their country!
The story of the violent Venezuelan gangs is even worse. Members of one of the fastest-growing and most violent gangs in the world (from Venezuela) are now in the US.
What does all this mean for the US?
Traditionally, undocumented immigrants to the US belong to the lowest social strata of the country they immigrate from. When they come to the US, they take up the lowest-skilled jobs.
Their lack of education becomes a major hindrance to future advancement in economic terms within the American job market.
So, the illegals - the undocumented immigrants - are overwhelmingly employed in low-paying manual labor-intensive jobs. These sectors do not require much education. So there is no motivation for striving higher.
This influx is happening at such a rapid pace when the birth rates and demography are decidedly changing.
This year the number of migrants arriving in America will eclipse the number of children born to Americans. Over the past 12 months, between those stopped at the border, those who got away and those arriving legally, at least 3.5 million immigrants have landed on our shores. Another 300,000 will be born to illegal migrants. In contrast, Americans will welcome home only 3.4 million babies. There is another sign that America not only needs to close the border, but also to get its demographic house in order. In the past, poor countries would educate doctors and scientists, only to have them legally immigrate to the US where their skills would command a higher price. Now we have this brain drain in reverse. We have millions of poorly educated, low-skilled immigrants competing for menial jobs. The children they bring with them require years of expensive special language instruction. According to the Federation for American Education Reform (FAIR) this is presently costing taxpayers nearly $80 billion a year and growing. (Source: Sagging birth rates are as bad for the US as illegal migrants / New York Post)
So those who have lower education, do not lend themselves to championing innovation and cutting-edge technology, and are often not aligned to democratic principles will replace a population that was better educated, pushed for innovation, and aligned to democratic ideals.
But more importantly, an economic swap is underway under that demographic swap.
Why would they do that? Specifically when these illegal immigrants already account for over 10% of the population and increasing.
One is the one-party rule. Which is what we discussed in our earlier newsletter.
So what is Modi's plan?
Simply put:
Let us dive deeper.
This video that Elon Musk shared on his platform X, communicates the scenario of today's America rather well.
Scary, right?!
Where will these pieces lead to?
Here is an imagination of that dystopian dream.
Well, you might want to think that it will be the fate of only the Americans.
Think again!
We have discussed how Soros sowed his seeds in Bangladesh and then reaped them recently in an earlier newsletter.
So whatever dystopian future lies in wait for the Americans also extends to the world at large.
That is what is at stake.
And if you look carefully, current wars started by the Americans are taking the world quickly towards that dystopian Hunger Games scenario.
The dystopian world of The Hunger Games, as depicted in Suzanne Collins's trilogy, emerges from a history of conflict that mirrors the kind of power struggles orchestrated by "deep states" in real-world geopolitics. While The Hunger Games doesn't explicitly reference a "deep state," the dynamics of control and manipulation in Panem's history can be analogized to how deep state mechanisms operate.
Specifically, The First Rebellion, also known as the Dark Days, was a pivotal conflict in Panem's history that occurred over 75 years before the events of The Hunger Games.
This devastating civil war pitted the combined forces of the thirteen districts, spearheaded by District 13, against the oppressive Capitol regime.
The uprising was sparked by widespread discontent with the Capitol's tyrannical rule and the severe inequality that existed between the opulent Capitol and the impoverished districts. District 13, with its military strength and nuclear capabilities, emerged as the leader of the rebellion, coordinating efforts across all districts to challenge the Capitol's authority.
Despite the districts' initial momentum, the Capitol ultimately prevailed, using its superior technology and resources to crush the rebellion. (Source: First Rebellion)
The coming world may see a Capitol vs Panem.
That is what is at stake that Modi is working almost single-handedly - with the help from the Chinese and Russians - to bring down.
That would provide some opportunity to forces that want to further freedom and curtail human suffering in the world.
As strange as it may sound, Russia and China may hold the keys to stopping the Western Deep State juggernaut from implementing their dystopian agenda.